========READ ME for data supporting "Growth and characterisation of MnSb(0001)/InGaAs(111)A epitaxial films"===== Author: Philip J Mousley Institution: University of Warwick Data folder consists of 12 comma separated variable (csv) files containing out-of-plane symmetric diffraction data recorded at the University of Warwick using K-Alpha1 radiation (wavelength 1.5405980 Å). These files are in reciprocal space co-ordinate format i.e. recorded X-ray intensity Vs Qz (Å^-1). The growth conditions of each sample is noted in the file naming system in the format 'Jvalue-Tsub_Qz', where Jvalue is the flux ratio and Tsub is the substrate temperature in degrees celsius (°C) . For three of the files the prefix '2S_' is used to denote that these samples were grown with the 2-stage growth method. Growth parameters and protocols are detailed in the associated publication - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2018.07.006 =================================================================================================================