This is the data archive for data included in paper 'Emergent magnetic phases in pressure tuned van-der-Waals antiferromagnet FePS3' by MJ Coak et al. (2020) The raw neutron diffraction data are hosted (permanently, and free to access, after a 12 month embargo) on the DOI archive of the Institut Laue Langevin: The reduced data - powder diffraction patterns - are included as tab-seperated data column text files in the Data files folder, with a spreadsheet explaining which measurement each corresponds to. Data are in 2theta, No of Counts, Error 3-column format. These are split between 3 folders - 2 for the experiments carried out at the ILL, and one for the data from Russia. Additionally, the results of the Reverse Monte Carlo simulations in Spinvert are included in the Simulation data folder, including the config files required to run the simulations.