- Directories ./Fig3/N.. contain the data from Figure 3 in the mauscript. In each directory (N10, N15 and N20), there are 50 output files which show the error function (F) as a function of the number of simulated annealing iterations. The first column is the current best error (plotted in Fig. 3), the second column contains the error value of the current code structure. - Directory ./Fig6 contains data from figure 6 in the manuscript (Algorithm C10(A)). figure6.dat contains 4 columns: x, V(x), target wavefunction and calculated wavefunction. - Directory ./Fig7 is same as figure 6 above, but for figure 7 from manuscript (Algorithm C15(A)). - Directory ./Fig8 contains the line data from panels (a)-(d) in x-y column ASCII files. - Directory ./Fig9 contains data from Figure 9, in ASCII format. Columns are V(x), GP wavefunction from Metiu and Makarov paper, Colbert-Miller wavefunction, Output wavefunction from C20(B). - Directory ./Fig11 contains data from Figure 11, in ASCII format. Files suffixed with "a" are from panel (a) in Figure 11, and files suffixed "b" are from panel b. The files V.* contain the potential energy values on the grid. The files wave_x.* contain the exact (second column) and approximated (third column) wavefunction on the grid-points. Here, the labe "x" indicates the eigenstate (0, 1 or 2).