The dataset “20211230_DS_SDamnosum_PLoSNTD.xlsx” contains measured antibody responses (expressed in units/ml) against saliva of Simulium damnosum s.l. from individuals living in onchocerciasis-endemic areas in Ghana (protocol and results published in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases: Willen et al, 2021). The measured antibody responses are indicated by: - UNITS/ML = measured units of antibody responses per ml of plasma The following metadata is also provided: - ID = Anonymized identification number of the participant - AGE = Age of the participant (expressed in years, unless specified otherwise) - SEX = Sex of the participant (F = female; M = male) - YEARS_IN_LOCATION = Number of years the participant has been living in his current location (expressed in years, unless specified otherwise) - LOCATION = The village where the participant was living at the time of sampling (can be Asubende, Senyase, Beposo, Fawoman, or Ohiampe) - CLUSTER = The cluster to which the village has been assigned, based on proximity of the villages to one another (in total 4 cluster numbers are assigned to 5 villages) - ASSAY = The type of antibody response measured (can be either IgG or IgM)