README This file contains all the raw data presented in "Finite Element Modelling of the Combined Faradaic and Electrostatic Contributions to the Voltammetric Response of Monolayer Redox Films" and has been downloaded from: Archive Created: 20/07/2022 Archive Last Modified: 06/09/2022 As per the original article the data in this archive is provided under a creative commons CC BY-NC-ND license. Corresponding Authors: Henry S. White - Julie V. Macpherson - The file has been divided into two sections: 1 - Article Text FEM Redox SAM modelling Article.docx; the article text resubmitted after adjustments based on reviewers comments. FEM Redox SAM modelling SI.docx; the SI text resubmitted after adjustments based on reviewers comments. FEM Redox SAM modelling COMSOL model report.pdf; the COMSOL generated model report 2 - Data Deposit The data output from the COMSOL model is provided in an origin file "1 - Main Article Figures - FEM of the Voltammetric Response of Monolayer Redox Films" which has been split into the following folders for each figure Figure 2 - Electrochemically inactive film of varying thickness Figure 3 - Redox-active (O+|R) film at slow scan rates Figure 4 - Faradaic and non-faradaic current contribution and the interfacial potential Figure 5 - Voltammetric response when the surface coverage (Γ_T) of redox groups is varied Figure 6 - Total and non-faradaic voltammetric response with finite electron transfer kinetics Figure 7 - Scan rate and supporting electrolyte concentration dependence on the voltametric response Figure 8 - Voltammetric response and potential distributions high scan rates and finite solution conductivity The data output from the COMSOL model is provided in an origin file "2 - Supporting Information Figure - FEM of the Voltammetric Response of Monolayer Redox Films" which has been split into the following folders for each figure SI Figure S2 - Example of a piecewise function, E(t), is used to simulate a CV SI Figure S4 - Electroinactive monolayer, electrolyte concentration plots for Fig 2 at E = +0.6V SI Figure S5 - ϕPET as a function of E for electrochemically inactive films of different thicknesses SI Figure S6 - Current contributions in the voltammetric response of a redox-active (O+|R) film SI Figure S9 - Voltammetric response for a redox-active (O+|R) film at different supporting electrolyte concentrations SI Figure S10 - Potential and electrolyte concentration vs distance from the electrode surface for a redox-active (O+|R) film at E = +0.2 V SI Figure S11 - Simulations for redox-active films with different redox reactions: O-R2- and O+R- SI Figure S12 - Simulations with and without electrostatics where n = 2 changing the E01 and E02 values