Conducting a human rights impact assessment of the Canada-Columbia free trade agreement : key issues

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The Parliamentary Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT) has recommended that a Human Rights Impact assessment (HRIA) be carried out of the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA). This paper explores some of the key issues that need to be considered in working towards the implementation of this recommendation. Section II explores what an HRIA is and what it can be expected to achieve. Section III sets out details of previous human rights impact assessments and social impact assessments of trade agreements and, on the basis of these experiences, makes a series of recommendations regarding how the Canada-Colombia FTA assessment should be conducted. Section IV considers the Recommendation of the CIIT for an HRIA, and suggests a model for oversight of the process. Section V provides outline methodologies for assessing the impacts of different types of FTA provisions – agricultural liberalisation provisions, investment provisions and labour protection provisions. Section VI summarises the key steps that should be demanded of any HRIA of the Canada-Colombia FTA and suggests some follow-up strategies. Finally, Appendix 1 provides references to key resources, which will be useful in further work on HRIAs of trade agreements.

It is generally assumed throughout that the focus of the HRIA will be on the human rights impact of the FTA in Colombia rather than Canada, unless otherwise stated. This was the focus of the Standing Committee on International Trade and there do appear to be a far greater range of potential human rights impacts of the FTA in Colombia as opposed to Canada. The methodological approach would not change should the focus be instead on the potential for human rights violations in Canada.

Item Type: Report
Divisions: Faculty of Social Sciences > School of Law
Publisher: CCIC
Official Date: February 2009
February 2009
Status: Not Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Open Access (Creative Commons open licence)

Background Paper Prepared for the CCIC Americas Policy Group


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