The impact of the Roman Empire on the cult of Asclepius

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Asclepius was worshipped in over 900 sanctuaries across the Graeco-Roman world. Although the cult had been disseminated across eastern Mediterranean from the 5th century onwards, it was only when the Romans took over the cult that it was dispersed all over the empire to become an empire-wide cult. This thesis looks at the impact of the Roman Empire on the cult, examining how Rome took over the existing cult, the ways in which Rome influenced it, and the relationship between the religion of Empire and local religion.

The key questions that this thesis aims to ask are: How did the Roman Empire impact upon the cult of Asclepius? How were global and regional cult identities articulated in response to each other as a result of this impact? How did increased connectivity between areas play an important part in the creation and stimulation of cultic identities? Did Asclepius’ spheres of influence grow or adapt as a result of Roman benefactions? and What were provincial responses to Roman worship and dissemination of the cult?

The timeframe for this thesis will be from 27 BC until Severus Alexander’s death in AD 235. Chapter One will introduce the scope of this thesis as well as the general theories which underpin this research. A survey of the cult before the Augustan period will be presented in Chapter Two. Further chapters will each examine a different aspect of the Roman impact on the cult, with the third focussing on imperial influences and the worship of the god by Roman and provincial elites; the fourth on how the Roman army influenced the cult; the fifth how multiple forms of the god were worshipped side-by-side in North Africa.

Item Type: Thesis [via Doctoral College] (PhD)
Subjects: D History General and Old World > D History (General) > D051 Ancient History
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Asklepios (Greek deity), Cults -- Greece
Official Date: April 2016
April 2016
Institution: University of Warwick
Theses Department: Department of Classics and Ancient History
Thesis Type: PhD
Publication Status: Unpublished
Supervisor(s)/Advisor: Cooley, Alison
Extent: 376 leaves : illustrations
Language: eng

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