Dataset for: "Superacid-Treated Silicon Surfaces: Extending the Limit of Carrier Lifetime for Photovoltaic Applications" by N.E. Grant, T. Niewelt, N.R. Wilson, E.C. Wheeler-Jones, J. Bullock, M. Al-Amin, M.C. Schubert, A.C. van Veen, A. Javey, J.D. Murphy Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaixs on 8th September 2017 DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2751511 The dataset (a single file in XLSX format) contains the data behind all the graphs presented in the paper. Each worksheet within the spreadsheet relates to a single figure in the paper. Captions to the figures are given in the paper. Abbreviations, variables and methods used are defined in the paper. Please address any queries to or