%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Folder: EPR An excel parameter sheet can be found in this folder which contains a description of each file including experimental parameters, sample number, etc. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Folder: Dipole trap File names give the pressure at which the data was taken, and the optical trapping laser power that was used in terms of waveplate angle i.e. IR_0 is maximum power and IR_28 is minimum. Files appended with _R denote repeated measurements (e.g. due to oscilloscope going out of range during measurement). Folders named 01, 02, 03 etc. contain images of the trapped nanodiamond from which the scattering intensity is found. The folder number indicates the first, second, third etc. evacuation run. Data presented in FIG 3 of the manuscript is ND5. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Folder: Raman Self explanatory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Folder: SEM Self explanatory