Matlab Code, Matlab function, experimental data set and Deadweight Pressure Check Results "Modelling and analysis of ammonia sorption reactions in halide and other salts for heat pump and thermal transformation cycles. Pt 1&2" This folder contains the Matlab 2020a Program and Function used to simulate the data and produce the plots in pt 2 The folder also contains one data result which can run in the program A Excel file noting the results for testing the pressure transducer against the dead weight pressure tester is also added The folder also contains a README TC accuracy file and an excel file Thermocuouple error test 'Dead-Weight Pressure Check Danfoss AKS 32' Results noted for the pressure test, including pressure read from mercury barometer for that day 'LTJ1R' Matlab.m file Program that simulates the experimental data 'saltmasserrorR2' Matlab.m file Function that simulates the reaction kinetics read by 'LTJ1R' program during simulation 'MnCl 75D' Excel .xlsx document Experimental data from the LTJ experiment This can be read by the 'LRJ1R' program when instructed 'Thermocouple error test' Read README TC accuracy, data plotted evaluating the thermocouple error readings, plotted with a standard deviation error bar Results well within reported errors Samuel Hinmers ( October 2021