Updated planetary mass constraints of the young V1298 Tau system using MAROON-X

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The early K-type T-Tauri star, V1298 Tau (V = 10 mag, age ≈ 20–30 Myr) hosts four transiting planets with radii ranging from 4.9 to 9.6 R ⊕. The three inner planets have orbital periods of ≈8–24 days while the outer planet’s period is poorly constrained by single transits observed with K2 and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Planets b, c, and d are proto–sub-Neptunes that may be undergoing significant mass loss. Depending on the stellar activity and planet masses, they are expected to evolve into super-Earths/sub-Neptunes that bound the radius valley. Here we present results of a joint transit and radial velocity (RV) modeling analysis, which includes recently obtained TESS photometry and MAROON-X RV measurements. Assuming circular orbits, we obtain a low-significance (≈2σ) RV detection of planet c, implying a mass of 19.8−8.9+9.3M⊕ and a conservative 2σ upper limit of <39 M ⊕. For planets b and d, we derive 2σ upper limits of M b < 159 M ⊕ and M d < 41 M ⊕, respectively. For planet e, plausible discrete periods of P e > 55.4 days are ruled out at the 3σ level while seven solutions with 43.3 < P e/d < 55.4 are consistent with the most probable 46.768131 ± 000076 days solution within 3σ. Adopting the most probable solution yields a 2.6σ RV detection with a mass of 0.66 ± 0.26 M Jup. Comparing the updated mass and radius constraints with planetary evolution and interior structure models shows that planets b, d, and e are consistent with predictions for young gas-rich planets and that planet c is consistent with having a water-rich core with a substantial (∼5% by mass) H2 envelope.

Item Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Science > Physics
SWORD Depositor: Library Publications Router
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Extrasolar planets, Extrasolar planets -- Detection , K stars -- Motion in line of sight
Journal or Publication Title: The Astronomical Journal
Publisher: The American Astronomical Society
ISSN: 1538-3881
Official Date: 24 May 2023
24 May 2023
27 March 2023
Volume: 165
Number: 6
Article Number: 250
DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/acc865
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Open Access (Creative Commons open licence)
Date of first compliant deposit: 28 June 2023
Date of first compliant Open Access: 28 June 2023
RIOXX Funder/Project Grant:
Project/Grant ID
RIOXX Funder Name
Funder ID
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Heising-Simons Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
[NSF] National Science Foundation (US)
[NASA] National Aeronautics and Space Administration
[NSF] National Science Foundation (US)
URI: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/175975/

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