"ID",Title,Authors,Status in the selection phase,Status in the full-reading phase,Year,Journal/Conference,Inclusion or Exclusion Criteria (Selection Phase),Inclusion or Exclusion Criteria (Full-reading Phase),Method,Quality criteria,Collaborative activity,Object under evaluation,Type of approach 1,A crowdsourcing-based framework for improving geo-spatial open data,"Karam, R. and Melchiori, M.",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,"IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (2013)",(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Expert assessment,Accuracy and completeness,Collaborative Mapping,Information and volunteer,Crowdsourcing 2,A linguistic decision making approach to assess the quality of volunteer geographic information for citizen science,"Bordogna, Gloria and Carrara, Paola and Criscuolo, Laura and Pepe,Monica and Rampini, Anna",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2014,Information Sciences,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Ranking/filtering by linguistic terms,Pragmatic quality,Crowd sensing,Information,Social 3,A new Spatial OLAP approach for the analysis of Volunteered Geographic Information,"Bimonte, Sandro and Boucelma, Omar and Machabert, Olivier and Sellami,Sana",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Computers Environment and Urban Systems,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 4,A systematic approach to evaluate and validate the spatial accuracy of farmers market locations using multi-geocoding services,"Cui, Y.",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Applied Geography,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Automatic location checking,Positional accuracy,Crowd sensing,Information,Geographic 5,A systematic study of OpenStreetMap data quality assessment,"Sehra, S.S.a and Singh, J.b and Rai, H.S.c ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E10) the primary study is a literature review;,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 6,An assessment of a collaborative mapping approach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises ,Jamal Jokar Arsanjani and Eric Vaz,ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,Thematic accuracy and completeness,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 7,Analyzing the Spatial-Semantic Interaction of Points of Interest in Volunteered Geographic Information,"Muelliganni, Christoph and Janowicz, Krzysztof and Ye, Mao and Lee,Wang-Chien",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2011,Spatial Information Theory,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 8,Artificial intelligence-based solution to estimate the spatial accuracy of volunteered geographic data,"Mohammadi, N. and Malek, M.",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2014,Journal of Spatial Science,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Extraction/learning of characteristics,Positional accuracy,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 9,Assessing the accuracy of volunteered geographic information arising from multiple contributors to an internet based collaborative project,"Foody, G.M.a and See, L.b and Fritz, S.b and Van der Velde, M.b and Perger, C.c and Schill, C.d and Boyd, D.S.a ",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Transactions in GIS,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Expert assessment,Thematic accuracy ,Crowd sensing,Volunteer,Crowdsourcing 10,Assuring the quality of volunteered geographic information ,Michael F. Goodchild and Linna Li,ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2012,Spatial Statistics ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 11,Automated Highway Tag Assessment of OpenStreetMap Road Networks,"Jilani, Musfira and Corcoran, Padraig and Bertolotto, Michela",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2014,22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Extraction/learning of characteristics,Semantic accuracy,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 12,Can we trust information? - The case of volunteered geographic information,"Bishr, M.a and Janowicz, K.b ",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2010,CEUR Workshop Proceedings,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Volunteer's profile; reputation,Trust,Crowd sensing,Information,Social 13,Citizens as sensors for natural hazards: A VGI integration workflow,"De Longueville, B. and Luraschi, G. and Smits, P. and Peedell, S. and De Groeve, T.",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2010,Geomatica,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Spatiotemporal clustering,Reliability,Social Media,Information,Geographic 14,Comparing the Quality of Crowdsourced Data Contributed by Expert andNon-Experts,"See, Linda and Comber, Alexis and Salk, Carl and Fritz, Steffen and vander Velde, Marijn and Perger, Christoph and Schill, Christian andMcCallum, Ian and Kraxner, Florian and Obersteiner, Michael",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Plos One,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Redundancy of volunteers’ contribution,Consistency and accuracy,Crowd sensing,Information,Crowdsourcing 15,"Conducting disaster damage assessments with Spatial Video, experts, andcitizens","Lue, Evan and Wilson, John P. and Curtis, Andrew",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Applied Geography,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 16,Constructing gazetteers from volunteered Big Geo-Data based on Hadoop ,Song Gao and Linna Li and Wenwen Li and Krzysztof Janowicz and Yue Zhang,ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,"Computers, Environment and Urban Systems ",(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 17,Crowdsourcing geographic information for disaster response: A research frontier,"Goodchild, M.F. and Glennon, J.A.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2010,International Journal of Digital Earth,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 18,Data quality assurance for volunteered geographic information,"Ali, A.L. and Schmid, F",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2014,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Extraction/learning of characteristics,Consistency and plausibility,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 19,Flexible querying of volunteered geographic information for risk management,"Arcaini, P. and Bordogna, G. and Sterlacchini, S.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2013,8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 20,From volunteered geographic information to volunteered geographic OLAP: A VGI data quality-based approach,"Bimonte, S. and Boucelma, O. and Machabert, O. and Sellami, S.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 21,GeoTruCrowd: Trustworthy Query Answering with Spatial Crowdsourcing,"Kazemi, Leyla and Shahabi, Cyrus and Chen, Lei",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2013,21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 22,Groundtruthing OpenStreetMap building damage assessment,"Westrope, C. and Banick, R. and Levine, M.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Procedia Engineering,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 23,How many volunteers does it take to map an area well? the validity of Linus' law to volunteered geographic information,"Haklay, M. and Basiouka, S. and Antoniou, V. and Ather, A.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2010,Cartographic Journal,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,Positional accuracy,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 24,Identifying Locations of Social Significance: Aggregating Social Media Content to Create a New Trust Model for Exploring Crowd Sourced Data and Information,"Di Leonardo, A. and Fairgrieve, S. and Gribble, A. and Prats, F. and Smith, W. and Sweat, T. and Usher, A. and Woodley, D. and Cozzens, J.B.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 25,Improving geo-spatial linked data with the wisdom of the crowds,"Karam, R.a and Melchiori, M.b ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2013,ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 26,Increasing the veracity of event detection on social media networks through user trust modeling,"Bodnar, T.a and Tucker, C.b and Hopkinson, K.c and Bilen, S.G.d ",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2014,IEEE International Conference on Big Data,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Volunteer's profile; reputation,Trustworthiness,Social Media,Volunteer,N/A 27,Is PPGIS good enough? An empirical evaluation of the quality of PPGIS crowd-sourced spatial data for conservation planning,"Brown, G.a and Weber, D.b and de Bie, K.c d ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,Land Use Policy,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,Positional accuracy and completeness,Participatory Sensing,Information,Crowdsourcing 28,"Location-based trust for mobile user-generated content: Applications, challenges and implementations","Lenders, V. and Koukoumidis, E. and Zhang, P. and Martonosi, M.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2008,9th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 29,MapCorrect: Automatic correction and validation of road maps using public sensing,"Baier, P. and Weinschrott, H. and Durr, F. and Rothermel, K.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2011,Conference on Local Computer Networks,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 30,Methods of crowd sourcing geographic data processing and analysis,"Shan, J.a b and Qin, K.a and Huang, C.a and Hu, X.a and Yu, Y.a and Hu, Q.a and Lin, Z.a and Chen, J.a and Jia, T.a ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E3) the primary study is not in Portuguese or English;,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 31,Mining point-of-interest data from social networks for urban land use classification and disaggregation,"Jiang, S.a and Alves, A.b and Rodrigues, F.c and Ferreira, J.d and Pereira, F.C.e ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,"Computers, Environment and Urban Systems",(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E11) the primary study has not been published between 2005 and 2014;,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 32,Positional accuracy analysis of Flickr and Panoramio images for selected world regions,"Zielstra, D. and Hochmair, H.H.",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Journal of Spatial Science,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Geographic context,Positional accuracy,Social Media,Information,Geographic 33,Quality analysis on crowd sourcing geographic data with open street map data,"Wang, M.a and Li, Q.b c and Hu, Q.a and Zhou, M.a ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2013,Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E3) the primary study is not in Portuguese or English;,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 34,Quality and Budget Aware Task Allocation for Spatial Crowdsourcing,"Yu, Han and Miao, Chunyan and Shen, Zhiqi and Leung, Cyril",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 35,Quality assessment for building footprints data on OpenStreetMap,"Fan, H.a and Zipf, A.a and Fu, Q.b and Neis, P.a ",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,"Completeness, semantic accuracy, position accuracy and geometric accuracy",Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 36,Quality Assessment of the French OpenStreetMap Dataset,"Girres, J.-F. and Touya, G.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2010,Transactions in GIS,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,"Geometric accuracy, attritue accuracy, completeness, logical consistency, semantic accuracy, temporal accuracy, lineage and usage",Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 37,Quality control for crowdsourcing with spatial and temporal distribution,"Zhang, G. and Chen, H.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 38,Rating crowdsourced annotations: evaluating contributions of variable quality and completeness,"Foody, G.M.",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2014,International Journal of Digital Earth,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Redundancy of volunteers' contribution,Accuracy ,Crowd sensing,Information,Crowdsourcing 39,Reliable improvement for collective intelligence on Thai herbal information,"Lertnattee, V.a and Chomya, S.a and Sornlertlamvanich, V.b ",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2010,Studies in Computational Intelligence,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Scoring volunteered contribution,Reliability,Crowd sensing,Information,Crowdsourcing 40,SDI and crowdsourced spatial information management automation for disaster management,"Koswatte, S. and McDougall, K. and Liu, X.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,Survey Review,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 41,"Spatial collective intelligence? credibility, accuracy, and volunteered geographic information","Spielman, S.E.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Cartography and Geographic Information Science,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 42,Spatial data uncertainty in the VGI world: Going from consumer to producer,"Grira, J. and Bedard, Y. and Roche, S.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2010,Geomatica,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 43,Spatial-aware Multimodal Location Estimation for Social Images,"Cao, Jiewei and Huang, Zi and Yang, Yang",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,23rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 44,Taming Uncertainty in Big Data Evidence from Social Media in Urban Areas,"Bendler, Johannes and Wagner, Sebastian and Brandt, Tobias and Neumann,Dirk",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2014,Business and Information Systems Engineering,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 45,The credibility of volunteered geographic information,"Flanagin, A.J. and Metzger, M.J.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2008,GeoJournal,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 46,There's No Such Thing As the Perfect Map: Quantifying Bias in Spatial Crowd-sourcing Datasets,"Quattrone, Giovanni and Capra, Licia and De Meo, Pasquale",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2015,18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Social Computing,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 47,Towards a generic framework for trustworthy spatial crowdsourcing,"Shahabi, C.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2013,"12th International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Acess, MobiDE 2013",(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method;",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A 48,Towards Quality Metrics for OpenStreetMap,"Mooney, Peter and Corcoran, Padraig and Winstanley, Adam C.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2010,18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,Shape similarity,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Geographic 49,Trust and reputation models for quality assessment of human sensor observations,"Bishr, M.a and Kuhn, W.b ",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Volunteer´s profile; reputation,Trust and reputation,Crowd sensing,Information and volunteer,Social 50,Trust as a Proxy Measure for the Quality of Volunteered GeographicInformation in the Case of OpenStreetMap,"Kessler, Carsten and de Groot, Rene Theodore Anton",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Historical data analysis,Trustworthiness,Collaborative Mapping,Information,Crowdsourcing 51,Using control data to determine the reliability of volunteered geographic information about land cover,"Comber, A.a and See, L.b and Fritz, S.b and Velde, M.V.b and Perger, C.b and Foody, G.c ",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Redundancy of volunteers' contribution,Reliability,Crowd sensing,Information,Crowdsourcing 52,Using Reverse Viewshed Analysis to Assess the Location Correctness ofVisually Generated VGI,"Senaratne, Hansi and Broering, Arne and Schreck, Tobias",ACCEPTED,ACCEPTED,2013,Transactions in GIS,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,,Geographic context,Location correctness,Social Media,Information,Geographic 53,Volunteered geographic information for disaster management with application to rapid flood damage estimation,"Poser, K. and Dransch, D.",ACCEPTED,REJECTED,2010,Geomatica,(I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; ,(E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.,Comparison with authoritative data,Accuracy,Crowd sensing,Information,Geographic 54,"17th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2011, AMCIS 2011",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,17th Americas Conference on Information Systems ,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 55,"18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012, Volume 1",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Americas Conference on Information Systems,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 56,"18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012, Volume 2",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 57,"18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012, Volume 3",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Americas Conference on Information Systems,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 58,"18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012, Volume 4",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Americas Conference on Information Systems,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 59,"18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012, Volume 5",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Americas Conference on Information Systems,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 60,"18th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012, AMCIS 2012, Volume 6",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Americas Conference on Information Systems ,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 61,19th International Conference Advances in Multimedia Modeling,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 62,2012 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2012 Conference,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Conference on Information Security for South Africa,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 63,"2013 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation, ICITMI 2013",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Applied Mechanics and Materials,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 64,"2013 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology, ICFMM 2013",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Applied Mechanics and Materials,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 65,"22nd Annual Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, BRiMS 2013 - Co-located with the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,22nd Annual Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 66,2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Crowdsouring,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Crowdsouring,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 67,6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 68,6th International Conference Internet and Distributed Computing Systems ,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 69,"6th International Conference on Social Informatics, SocInfo 2014",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers;,,,,,, 70,7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,RecSys 2013 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 71,9th International Conference on e-Science,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,9th International Conference on e-Science,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 72,A Framework for Protecting Worker Location Privacy in Spatial Crowdsourcing,"To, Hien and Ghinita, Gabriel and Shahabi, Cyrus",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,VLDB Endowment,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 73,A Gesture Recognition Algorithm for Vision-based Unicursal Gesture Interfaces,"Aoki, Ryosuke and Chan, Bessie and Ihara, Masayuki and Kobayashi, Toru and Kobayashi, Minoru and Kagami, Shingo",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,10th European Conference on Interactive Tv and Video,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 74,A Latent Variable Model for Geographic Lexical Variation,"Eisenstein, Jacob and O'Connor, Brendan and Smith, Noah A. and Xing, Eric P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 75,A Probabilistic Approach to Mining Geospatial Knowledge from Social Annotations,"Intagorn, Suradej and Lerman, Kristina",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 76,A Semantic Web Based Gazetteer Model for VGI,"Beard, Kate",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 77,A brief introduction of data management for volunteered geographic information,"Li, D. and Qian, X.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 78,A comparative study on no-reference Video Quality Assessment metrics ,"Zerman, E.a and Akar, G.B.a and Konuk, B.b and Yilmaz, G.N.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014, 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 79,"A comparison of forest cover maps in Mainland Southeast Asia from multiple sources: PALSAR, MERIS, MODIS and FRA ",Jinwei Dong and Xiangming Xiao and Sage Sheldon and Chandrashekhar Biradar and Nguyen Dinh Duong and Manzul Hazarika,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Remote Sensing of Environment ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 80,A crowdsourcing approach to promote safe walking for visually impaired people,"Lin, C.-Y.; Huang, S.-W. & Hsu, H.-H.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Conference on Smart Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 81,A design case study: Integrated product and process management,"Arbulu, R.a and Soto, J.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2006, 14th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 82,A framework for the integration of volunteered geographic information into humanitarian logistics,"Horita, F.E.A.a and Link, D.b and de Albuquerque, J.P.c and Hellingrath, B.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,20th Americas Conference on Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 83,A geographic topic model with author relationship,"Zhang, Y. and Tang, S. and Luo, J. and Lu, W. and Shao, J. and Wu, F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 84,A GIS-based decision support system for hotel room rate estimation andtemporal price prediction: The hotel brokers' context,"Kisilevich, Slava and Keim, Daniel and Rokach, Lior",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Decision Support Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 85,A human-enhanced framework for assessing open geo-spatial data,"Karam, R. and Melchiori, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 86,A machine learning approach to determining tag relevance in geotagged Flickr imagery,"Hughes, M.a and O'Connor, N.E.a and Jones, G.J.F.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 87,A multi-indicator approach for geolocalization of tweets,"Schulz, A.a b and Hadjakos, A.b and Paulheim, H.c and Nachtwey, J.a and Muhlhauser, M.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,7th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 88,A pedestrian network construction algorithm based on multiple GPS traces ,Piyawan Kasemsuppakorn and Hassan A. Karimi,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 89,A rapid indicator of cultural ecosystem service usage at a fine spatial scale: Content analysis of social media photographs ,Daniel R. Richards and Daniel A. Friess,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Ecological Indicators ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 90,A review of roads data development methodologies,"Ubukawa, T.a and De Sherbinin, A.b and Onsrud, H.c and Nelson, A.d and Payne, K.e and Cottray, O.f and Maron, M.g ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Data Science Journal,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 91,A Review of Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Management,"Haworth, B. and Bruce, E.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Geography Compass,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 92,A robust and scalable framework for detecting self-reported illness from twitter,"Khan, M.; Iwai, M. & Sezaki, K.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,"14th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services ","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 93,A self-developed and constructed robot for minimally invasive cochlear implantation,"Bell, B.a b and Stieger, C.a c and Gerber, N.a b and Arnold, A.a c and Nauer, C.d and Hamacher, V.e and Kompis, M.c and Nolte, L.a b and Caversaccio, M.a c and Weber, S.a b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Acta Oto-Laryngologica,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 94,A social recommender mechanism for location-based group commerce,"Li, Yung-Ming and Chou, Chia-Ling and Lin, Lien-Fa",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Information Sciences,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 95,A spatiotemporal model of twitter information diffusion: An example of egyptian revolution 2011,"Kwon, K.H. and Wang, H. and Raymond, R. and Xu, W.W.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 96,A study of the correlation between the spatial attributes on Twitter,"Lee, B. and Hwang, B.-Y.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,28th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 97,A study on the accuracy of Flickr's geotag data,"Hauff, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,36th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 98,A Unified Model for Stable and Temporal Topic Detection from Social Media Data,"Yin, Hongzhi and Cui, Bin and Lu, Hua and Huang, Yuxin and Yao, Junjie",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,29th International Conference on Data Engineering,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 99,A utility-maximization model for retrieving users willingness to travel for participating in activities from big-data ,Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis and Antony Stathopoulos,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 100,A vector autoregressive model for interpolating missing meteorological data for use in building simulation,"Kasain, A.A. and Lee, B.D. and Paredis, C.J.J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,13th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 101,Accurate caloric expenditure of bicyclists using cellphones,"Zhan, A. and Chang, M. and Chen, Y. and Terzis, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,10th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 102,Adapting the ISO 20462 softcopy ruler method for online image quality studies,"Burns, P.D.a and Phillips, J.B.b and Williams, D.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Society for Optical Engineering,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 103,Adaptive landmark recommendations for travel planning: Personalizing and clustering landmarks using geo-tagged social media,"Han, J. and Lee, H.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Pervasive and Mobile Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 104,Adding Completeness Information to Query Answers over Spatial Databases,"Razniewski, Simon and Nutt, Werner",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 105,ALIMC: Activity Landmark-Based Indoor Mapping via Crowdsourcing,"Zhou, B.; Li, Q.; Mao, Q.; Tu, W.; Zhang, X. & Chen, L.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 106,Ambiguity and Plausibility: Managing Classification Quality in Volunteered Geographic Information,"Ali, Ahmed Loai and Schmid, Falko and Al-Salman, Rami and Kauppinen, Tomi",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 107,An agenda for the next generation gazetteer: Geographic information contribution and retrieval,"Kessler, C. and Janowicz, K. and Bishr, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 108,An evaluation of face-bow transfer for the planning of orthognathic surgery,"Zizelmann, C.a b and Hammer, B.b and Gellrich, N.-C.a and Schwestka-Polly, R.c and Rana, M.a and Bucher, P.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 109,Analysis of Quality of Data in OpenStreetMap,"Hayakawa, T.; Imi, Y. & Ito, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,14th International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 110,Analysis of spatio-temporal mobility patterns of human ensembles,"Thompson, K.a and Ho, I.F.a and Gnanasambandam, N.b and Yoon, S.W.a and Lam, S.S.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,62nd IIE Annual Conference and Expo ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 111,Analyzing the language of food on social media,"Fried, D.; Surdeanu, M.; Kobourov, S.; Hingle, M. & Bell, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,IEEE International Conference on Big Data,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 112,Answering Geographic Questions with User Generated Content: Experiences from the Coal Face,"Purves, Ross S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,27th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 113,Application of dynamic data driven application system in environmental science,"Song, J.a b and Xiang, B.a b and Wang, X.a and Wu, L.c and Chang, C.a b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Environmental Reviews,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 114,AQWA: Adaptive Query Workload Aware Partitioning of Big Spatial Data,"Aly, Ahmed M. and Mahmood, Ahmed R. and Hassan, Mohamed S. and Aref, Walid G. and Ouzzani, Mourad and Elmeleegy, Hazem and Qadah, Thamir",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,VLDB Endowment,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 115,Assessing the impact of demographic characteristics on spatial error in volunteered geographic information features,"Mullen, W.F.a and Jackson, S.P.a and Croitoru, A.a and Crooks, A.b and Stefanidis, A.a and Agouris, P.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,GeoJournal,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 116,Assessing uncertainty in VGI for emergency response,"Camponovo, M.E.a and Freundschuh, S.M.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Cartography and Geographic Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 117,Assessment of number and distribution of persistent scatterers prior toradar acquisition using open access land cover and topographical data,"Plank, Simon and Singer, John and Thuro, Kurosch",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 118,ATKIS Base DLM and OpenStreetMap - a comparison based on selected Regions in lower Saxony [ATKIS-Basis-DLM und OpenStreetMap - ein datenvergleich anhand ausgewählter Gebiete in Niedersachsen],"Schoof, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Kartographische Nachrichten,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 119,Automatic discovery of global and local equivalence relationships in labeled geo-spatial data,"Thomee, B. and De Francisci Morales, G.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 120,Automatic Gazetteer Enrichment with User-geocoded Data,"Gelernter, Judith and Ganesh, Gautam and Krishnakumar, Hamsini and Zhang, Wei",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 121,Automatic Geographic Enrichment by Multi-modal Bike Sensing,"Verstockt, Steven and Slavkovikj, Viktor and De Potter, Pieterjan andJanssens, Olivier and Slowack, Jurgen and Van de Walle, Rik",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,E-business and Telecommunications,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 122,Automatic geo-location correction of satellite imagery,"Ozcanli, O.C.a and Dong, Y.a and Mundy, J.L.a and Webb, H.b and Hammoud, R.b and Victor, T.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 123,Automatic identification of locative expressions from social media text: A comparative analysis,"Liu, F.a and Vasardani, M.b and Baldwin, T.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,"International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 124,Automatic Tag Generation and Ranking for Sensor-rich Outdoor Videos,"Shen, Zhijie and Arslan Ay, Sakire and Kim, Seon Ho and Zimmermann, Roger",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,19th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 125,Availability and uses of spatial databases for research and managementof K'gari-Fraser Island,"Srivastava, Sanjeev Kumar",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Australasian Journal of Environmental Management,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 126,Avoiding the South Side and the Suburbs: The Geography of Mobile Crowdsourcing Markets,"Thebault-Spieker, Jacob and Terveen, Loren G. and Hecht, Brent",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 127,Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information,"Sen, Shilad W. and Ford, Heather and Musicant, David R. and Graham, Mark and Keyes, Oliver S.B. and Hecht, Brent",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 128,Beware of What You Share: Inferring Home Location in Social Networks,"Pontes, Tatiana and Magno, Gabriel and Vasconcelos, Marisa and Gupta,Aditi and Almeida, Jussara and Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam and Almeida,Virgilio",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,12th International Conference on Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 129,Bicycle route planners promoting sustainable commuting,"Christensen, T.W. and Kristensen, J.P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and ITS America Annual Meeting ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 130,Big Data Opportunities for Global Infectious Disease Surveillance,"Hay, S.I.a b and George, D.B.b and Moyes, C.L.a and Brownstein, J.S.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,PLoS Medicine,(E6) the primary study is incomplete; ,,,,,, 131,Birding 2.0: Citizen Science and Effective Monitoring in the Web 2.0World,"Wiersma, Yolanda F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Avian Conservation and Ecology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 132,Bony Deviations Revealed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography of theTemporomandibular Joint in Subjects Without Ongoing Pain,"Bakke, Merete and Petersson, Arne and Wiese, Mie and Svanholt, Palle andSonnesen, Liselotte",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 133,Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geographicallyweighted regression,"See, Linda and Schepaschenko, Dmitry and Lesiv, Myroslava and McCallum,Ian and Fritz, Steffen and Comber, Alexis and Perger, Christoph andSchill, Christian and Zhao, Yuanyuan and Maus, Victor and Siraj,Muhammad Athar and Albrecht, Franziska and Cipriani, Anna and Vakolyuk,Mar'yana and Garcia, Alfredo and Rabia, Ahmed H. and Singha, Kuleswarand Marcarini, Abel Alan and Kattenborn, Teja and Hazarika, Rubul andSchepaschenko, Maria and van der Velde, Marijn and Kraxner, Florian andObersteiner, Michael",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 134,Building Representative Composite Items,"Leroy, Vincent and Amer-Yahia, Sihem and Gaussier, Eric and Mirisaee, Hamid",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 135,Calibration of a spatial simulation model with volunteered geographical information,"Birkin, M.a and Malleson, N.a and Hudson-Smith, A.b and Gray, S.b and Milton, R.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 136,Camera Brand Congruence in the Flickr Social Graph,"Singla, Adish and Weber, Ingmar",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,2nd ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 137,Canary in a Coal Mine: Monitoring Air Quality and Detecting Environmental Incidents by Harvesting Twitter,"Smid, Henricus and Mast, Patrick and Tromp, Maarten and Winterboer, Andi and Evers, Vanessa",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011, CHI '11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 138,CGM: A biomedical text categorization approach using concept graph mining,"Bleik, S.; Song, M.; Smalter, A.; Huan, J. & Lushington, G",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshop,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 139,Challenges of image-based crowd-sourcing for situation awareness in disaster management,"Moreau, G.a and Servieres, M.b and Normand, J.-M.b and Magnin, M.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 140,Citizen Generated Spatial Data And Information: Risks And Opportunities,"Mooney, Peter and Corcoran, Padraig and Sun, Huabo and Yan, Lei",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, International Conference on Industrial Control and Electronics Engineering,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 141,Citizen science in support of remote sensing research,"Foody, G. M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 142,City-scale traffic simulation from digital footprints,"McArdle, G. and Lawlor, A. and Furey, E. and Pozdnoukhov, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 143,Collaboration in risk markets,"Rummler, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,Collaborative Technologies and Applications for Interactive Information Design: Emerging Trends in User Experiences,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 144,Collaborative Geospatial Feature Search,"Lamprianidis, George and Pfoser, Dieter",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,20th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 145,Collaborative bike sensing for automatic geographic enrichment: Geoannotation of road/terrain type by multimodal bike sensing,"Verstockt, S.a and Slavkovikj, V.b and De Potter, P.c and Van De Walle, R.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 146,Collaborative mapping for pedestrian navigation in security applications,"Garcia Puyol, M. and Frassl, M. and Robertson, P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Communications in Computer and Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 147,Collaborative mapping with autonomous underwater vehicles in low-bandwidth conditions,"Johnson, B. and Hallin, N. and Leidenfrost, H. and O'Rourke, M. and Edwards, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,IEEE Bremen: Balancing Technology with Future Needs,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 148,Collaborative observations of weather: A weather information sharers' community of practice,"Elevant, K.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010, 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 149,Collaborative Recommendation of Photo-Taking Geolocations,"Phan, Thomas and Zhou, Jiayu and Chang, Shiyu and Hu, Junling and Lee, Juhan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,3rd ACM Multimedia Workshop on Geotagging and Its Applications in Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 150,Collaborative Situational Mapping During Emergency Response,"Gunawan, Lucy T. and Oomes, Augustinus H. J. and Neerincx, Mark and Brinkman, Willem-Paul and Alers, Hani",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics: Designing Beyond the Product Understanding Activity and User Experience in Ubiquitous Environments,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 151,Combination of spatio-temporal correction methods using traffic survey data for reconstruction of people flow ,Yoshihide Sekimoto and Atsuto Watanabe and Toshikazu Nakamura and Hiroshi Kanasugi and Tomotaka Usui,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Pervasive and Mobile Computing ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 152,Combining structured and unstructured information sources for a study of data quality: A case study of Zillow.com,"Gelman, I.A.a and Wu, N.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 153,Community Worker Perspectives on the Use of New Media to ReconfigureSocio-spatial Relations in Belfast,"Reilly, Paul",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Urban Studies,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 154,Comparing supervised and unsupervised multiresolution segmentationapproaches for extracting buildings from very high resolution imagery,"Belgiu, Mariana and Dragut, Lucian",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 155,Comparing the Spatial Characteristics of Corresponding Cyber and Physical Communities: A Case Study,"Lu, Xu and Croitoru, Arie and Radzikowski, Jacek and Crooks, Andrew and Stefanidis, Anthony",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location- Based Social Networks,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 156,Compass Clustering: A New Clustering Method for Detection of Points of Interest Using Personal Collections of Georeferenced and Oriented Photographs,"Lacerda, Yuri Almeida and Feitosa, Robson Goncalves Fechine and Esmeraldo, Guilherme Alvaro Rodrigues Maia and Baptista, Claudio de Souza and Marinho, Leandro Balby",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 157,Conceptualization of Place via Spatial Clustering and Co-occurrence Analysis,"Deng, Dong-Po and Chuang, Tyng-Ruey and Lemmens, Rob",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009, International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 158,Constructing Narratives Using Fast Feedback,"Lin, Yi-Ling and Bai, Xiaoning and Ye, Yuanyuan and Real, William",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, 2012 iConference,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 159,Constructing Places from Spatial Footprints,"Li, Linna and Goodchild, Michael F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 160,Constructing Popular Routes from Uncertain Trajectories,"Wei, Ling-Yin and Zheng, Yu and Peng, Wen-Chih",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 161,Content-Based Video Quality Prediction for HEVC Encoded Videos StreamedOver Packet Networks,"Anegekuh, Louis and Sun, Lingfen and Jammeh, Emmanuel and Mkwawa,Is-Haka and Ifeachor, Emmanuel",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 162,Creating Test Collections from User Generated Content for GIR Evaluation,"Palacio, Damien and Derungs, Curdin and Purves, Ross",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,7th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 163,Crowd sensing of urban emergency events based on social media big data,"Xu, Z. and Zhang, H. and Liu, Y. and Mei, L.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,"13th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2014","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 164,CrowdAtlas: Self-updating Maps for Cloud and Personal Use,"Wang, Yin and Liu, Xuemei and Wei, Hong and Forman, George and Chen, Chao and Zhu, Yanmin",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,"11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 165,Crowdsourced mapping of land use in urban dense environments: Anassessment of Toronto,"Vaz, Eric and Arsanjani, Jamal Jokar",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadian,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 166,Crowdsourcing As Data Sharing: A Regional Web-based Real Estate Development Database,"Goodspeed, Robert and Spanring, Christian and Reardon, Timothy",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 167,Crowdsourcing Graphical Perception: Using Mechanical Turk to Assess Visualization Design,"Heer, Jeffrey and Bostock, Michael",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 168,Crowd-sourcing satellite image analysis,"Christophe, E.; Inglada, J. & Maudlin, J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 169,Crowdsourcing satellite imagery analysis: Study of parallel and iterative models,"Maisonneuve, N. and Chopard, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 170,Crowdsourcing the unknown: The satellite search for Genghis Khan,"Lin, A.Y.-M.a and Huynh, A.b and Lanckriet, G.c and Barrington, L.c d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,PLoS ONE,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 171,Crowd-sourcing world models with OpenRoomMap,"Rice, A.C. and Woodman, O.J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010, 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 172,"Crowdsourcing, citizen sensing and sensor web technologies for publicand environmental health surveillance and crisis management: trends, OGCstandards and application examples","Boulos, Maged N. Kamel and Resch, Bernd and Crowley, David N. andBreslin, John G. and Sohn, Gunho and Burtner, Russ and Pike, William A.and Jezierski, Eduardo and Chuang, Kuo-Yu Slayer",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,International Journal of Heath Geographics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 173,Database updating through user feedback in fingerprint-based Wi-Fi location systems,"Gallagher, T.; Li, B.; Dempster, A. & Rizos, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Ubiquitous Positioning Indoor Navigation and Location Based Service,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 174,Data-driven vs semantic-technology-driven tag-based video location estimation,"Choi, J.a and Friedland, G.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,5th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 175,Deconstructing the binaries of spatial data production: Towardshybridity,"Cinnamon, Jonathan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadian,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 176,Describing and Understanding Neighborhood Characteristics Through Online Social Media,"Kafsi, Mohamed and Cramer, Henriette and Thomee, Bart and Shamma, David A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,24th International Conference on World Wide Web,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 177,Designing Better Location Fields in User Profiles,"Wang, Ting-Yu and Harper, F. Maxwell and Hecht, Brent",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Supporting Group Work,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 178,Detecting Places of Interest Using Social Media,"Van Canneyt, Steven and Schockaert, Steven and Van Laere, Olivier and Dhoedt, Bart",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 179,Detecting Spatio-temporal Outliers in Crowdsourced Bathymetry Data,"Sedaghat, Leela and Hersey, John and McGuire, Michael P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 180,"Detection, Classification and Visualization of Place-triggered Geotagged Tweets","Hiruta, Shinya and Yonezawa, Takuro and Jurmu, Marko and Tokuda, Hideyuki",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 181,Development and implementation of a validation protocol for crisis maps: Reliability and consistency assessment of burnt area maps,"Corbane, C. and Carrion, D. and Broglia, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,International Journal of Digital Earth,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 182,Device-to-identity Linking Attack Using Targeted Wi-fi Geolocation Spoofing,"Matte, C 'elestin and Achara, Jagdish Prasad and Cunche, Mathieu",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,8th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 183,Digital Earth's Nervous System for crisis events: real-time Sensor WebEnablement of Volunteered Geographic Information,"De Longueville, Bertrand and Annoni, Alessandro and Schade, Sven andOstlaender, Nicole and Whitmore, Ceri",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,International Journal of Digital Earth,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 184,Digital maps for railway applications based on OpenStreetMap data,"Rahmig, C. & Kluge, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 185,Discovering Popular Point of Interests for Tourism with Appropriate Names from Social Data Analysis,"Arakawa, Yutaka",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 186,Discovering geographical topics in the Twitter stream,"Hong, L.a and Ahmed, A.b and Gurumurthy, S.c and Smola, A.b and Tsioutsiouliklis, K.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 187,Discovery of User Behavior Patterns from Geo-tagged Micro-blogs,"Fujisaka, Tatsuya and Lee, Ryong and Sumiya, Kazutoshi",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,4th International Conference on Uniquitous Information Management and Communication,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 188,"Duking it out at the smartphone mobile app mapping API corral: Apple, Google, and the competition","Samet, H. and Fruin, B.C. and Nutanong, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Int. Workshop on Mobile Geographic Information Systems with the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 189,Dynamic Location Models,"Murdock, Vanessa",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 190,Dynamical Classes of Collective Attention in Twitter,"Lehmann, Janette and Goncalves, Bruno and Ramasco, Jose J. and Cattuto, Ciro",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,21st International Conference on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 191,Effective use of information technology in spill response - How an integrated web portal can facilitate the response effort,"Kerr, J. and Braisted, R. and Sukkurwala, G. and Teeling, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Society of Petroleum Engineers Western North America and Rocky Mountain Joint Conference and Exhibition 2014,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 192,Efficient integration of spectral features for vehicle tracking utilizing an adaptive sensor,"Uzkent, B. and Hoffman, M.J. and Vodacek, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015, International Society for Optical Engineering,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 193,Embedding multi-order spatial clues for scalable visual matching and retrieval,"Zhang, S.a and Tian, Q.a and Huang, Q.b and Rui, Y.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 194,Encouraging Civic Participation Through Local News Aggregation,"Kavanaugh, Andrea and Ahuja, Ankit and Perez-Quinones, Manuel and Tedesco, John and Madondo, Kumbirai",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 195,Enhancing Semantic and Geographic Annotation of Web Images via Logistic Canonical Correlation Regression,"Cao, Liangliang and Yu, Jie and Luo, Jiebo and Huang, Thomas S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,17th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 196,Enhancing cadastral surveys by facilitating the participation of owners,"Mourafetis, G. and Apostolopoulos, K. and Potsiou, C. and Ioannidis, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Survey Review,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 197,Enhancing driver situational awareness through crowd intelligence ,Bratislav Predic and Dragan Stojanovic,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Expert Systems with Applications ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 198,Estimation of Building Types on OpenStreetMap Based on Urban MorphologyAnalysis,"Fan, Hongchao and Zipf, Alexander and Fu, Qing",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 199,Estimation of locations of densely distributed subjects using NMF with nonpixel information,"Kubo, Y. and Kubo, M. and Sato, H. and Namatame, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 200,Ethics and privacy issues in the use of GIS,"Blatt, A.J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Journal of Map and Geography Libraries,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 201,Evaluating a concept design of a crowd-sourced 'mashup' providing ease-of-access information for people with limited mobility,"May, A.a and Parker, C.J.a c and Taylor, N.b and Ross, T.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 202,Evaluating geo-located Twitter data as a control layer for arealinterpolation of population,"Lin, Jie and Cromley, Robert G.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Applied Geography,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 203,Evaluation for cost-effective cache deployment in ISP networks,"Shibuya, M.; Hei, Y. & Ogishi, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 204,Evaluation of GPS trajectories on VGI and social websites,"Huang, R.a and Huang, C.a and Shan, J.a b and Xiong, L.a and Yan, J.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Conference on Geoinformatics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 205,Evaluation of the quality of an online geocoding resource in the contextof a large Brazilian city,"Davis, Jr., Clodoveu A. and de Alencar, Rafael Odon",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Transactions in GIS ,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 206,Event Identification from Georeferenced Images,"Sun, Yeran and Fan, Hongchao",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 207,Expertise in the Wired Wild West,"White, Joanne I. and Palen, Leysia",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 208,Exploiting Geo-tagged Tweets to Understand Localized Language Diversity,"Magdy, Amr and Ghanem, Thanaa M. and Musleh, Mashaal and Mokbel, Mohamed F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2007,Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo- Spatial Data,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 209,Exploiting Foursquare and Cellular Data to Infer User Activity in Urban Environments,"Noulas, Anastasios and Mascolo, Cecilia and Frias-Martinez, Enrique",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 210,Exploiting Geo-Spatial Preference for Personalized Expert Recommendation,"Lu, Haokai and Caverlee, James",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 211,Explorative Public Transport Flow Analysis from Uncertain Social Media Data,"Steiger, Enrico and Ellersiek, Timothy and Zipf, Alexander",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 212,Exploratory analysis of OpenStreetMap for land use classification,"Estima, J. and Painho, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 213,Exploratory Navigation for Runners Through Geographic Area Classification with Crowd-Sourced Data,"McGookin, David and Gkatzia, Dimitra and Hastie, Helen",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 214,Exploring Geotagged Images for Land-use Classification,"Leung, Daniel and Newsam, Shawn",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, Workshop on Geotagging and Its Applications in Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 215,Exploring Urban Characteristics Using Movement History of Mass Mobile Microbloggers,"Fujisaka, Tatsuya and Lee, Ryong and Sumiya, Kazutoshi",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,11th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 216,Extracting Scenic Routes from VGI Data Sources,"Alivand, Majid and Hochmair, Hartwig",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 217,Extracting locations related to tags on folksonomy,"Baba, Y.a and Ishikawa, F.b and Honiden, S.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 218,Extraction of Address Data from Unstructured Text Using Free Knowledge Resources,"Schmidt, Sebastian and Manschitz, Simon and Rensing, Christoph and Steinmetz, Ralf",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 219,EyeSpy: Supporting Navigation Through Play,"Bell, Marek and Reeves, Stuart and Brown, Barry and Sherwood, Scott and MacMillan, Donny and Ferguson, John and Chalmers, Matthew",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 220,Feature matching with an adaptive optical sensor in a ground target tracking system,"Uzkent, B.a and Hoffman, M.J.b and Vodacek, A.a and Chen, B.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Sensors Journal,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 221,Finding Geographically Representative Music via Social Media,"Parker, Charles and Joshi, Dhiraj and Lei, Phoury and Luo, Jiebo",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,1st International ACM Workshop on Music Information Retrieval with User-centered and Multimodal Strategies,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 222,Finding Similar Destinations with Flickr Geotags,"Eynard, Davide and Inversini, Alessandro and Gentile, Leonardo",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 223,Finding Non-Redundant Multi-Word Events on Twitter,"G unnemann, Nikou and Pfeffer, J urgen",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 224,Fine-Grained Geolocalisation of Non-Geotagged Tweets,"Paraskevopoulos, Pavlos and Palpanas, Themis",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015, International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 225,Flickr geotagged and publicly available photos: Preliminary study of its adequacy for helping quality control of Corine Land Cover,"Estima, J. and Painho, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 226,Flickr: Who is Looking?,"van Zwol, Roelof",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2007,International Conference on Web Intelligence,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 227,FootSLAM: Pedestrian simultaneous localization and mapping without exteroceptive sensorshitchhiking on human perception and cognition,"Angermann, M. and Robertson, P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Proceedings of the IEEE,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 228,Friendship and trust in the social surveillance network,"Westcott, H.a and Owen, S.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Surveillance and Society,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 229,Fusing text and frienships for location inference in online social networks,"Gu, H. and Hang, H. and Lv, Q. and Grunwald, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,International Conference on Web Intelligence,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 230,Gender-based Models of Location from Flickr,"O'Hare, Neil and Murdock, Vanessa",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, Workshop on Geotagging and Its Applications in Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 231,Generating verified and validated geospatial data from open-source web 2.0 content,"Bitters, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014," Annual Conference: Geospatial Power in Our Pockets, Co-Located with Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop",(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 232,Generation of Landmark-based Navigation Instructions from Open-source Data,"Drager, Markus and Koller, Alexander",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 233,Generation of a tailored routing network for disabled people based oncollaboratively collected geodata,"Neis, Pascal and Zielstra, Dennis",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Applied Geography,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 234,Generation of accurate lane-level maps from coarse prior maps and lidar,"Joshi, A. and James, M.R.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 235,Geocoding quality and implications for spatial analysis,"Zandbergen, P.A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,Geography Compass,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 236,GeoEvents - An Interactive Tool to Analyze and Visualize Spatial Information from the Social Web,"Sabty, C.; Memmel, M. & Abdennadher, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Conference on Social Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 237,GeoFolk: Latent Spatial Semantics in Web 2.0 Social Media,"Sizov, Sergej",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 238,Geographic Aspects of Tie Strength and Value of Information in Social Networking,"Groh, Georg and Straub, Florian and Eicher, Johanna and Grob, David",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location- Based Social Networks,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 239,Geo-location estimation of Flickr images: Social web based enrichment,"Hauff, C. and Houben, G.-J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 240,Geo-reCAPTCHA: Crowdsourcing large amounts of geographic information from earth observation data ,Florian Hillen and Bernhard Hofle,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 241,Georeferencing Flickr photos using language models at different levels of granularity: An evidence based approach ,Olivier Van Laere and Steven Schockaert and Bart Dhoedt,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,"Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web ","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 242,GeoScope: Online Detection of Geo-correlated Information Trends in Social Networks,"Budak, Ceren and Georgiou, Theodore and Agrawal, Divyakant and El Abbadi, Amr",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,VLDB Endowment,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 243,Geosocial Search: Finding Places Based on Geotagged Social-Media Posts,"Pat, Barak and Kanza, Yaron and Naaman, Mor",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,24th International Conference on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 244,Geotagging one hundred million Twitter accounts with total variation minimization,"Compton, R. and Jurgens, D. and Allen, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,"International Conference on Big Data, IEEE Big Data","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 245,Geotagging social media content with a refined language modelling approach,"Kordopatis-Zilos, G. and Papadopoulos, S. and Kompatsiaris, Y.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 246,Geotagging Twitter Messages in Crisis Management,"Ghahremanlou, Lida and Sherchan, Wanita and Thom, James A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Computer Journal,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 247,GeoTime-based Tag Ranking Model for Automatic Image Annotation,"Mitran, Madalina and Cabanac, Guillaume and Boughanem, Mohand",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 248,Geo-visual Ranking for Location Prediction of Social Images,"Li, Xinchao and Larson, Martha and Hanjalic, Alan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,3rd ACM Conference on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 249,Geo-wiki.org: The use of crowdsourcing to improve global land cover,"Fritz, S.a and McCallum, I.a and Schill, C.b and Perger, C.c and Grillmayer, R.c and Achard, F.d and Kraxner, F.a and Obersteiner, M.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,Remote Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 250,Getting closer and experiencing together: Antecedents and consequencesof psychological distance in social media-enhanced real-time streamingvideo,"Lim, Seongtaek and Cha, Sang Yun and Park, Chala and Lee, Inseong andKim, Jinwoo",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Computer in Humans Behaviour,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 251,Global annotation on georeferenced photographs,"Kleban, J. and Moxley, E. and Xu, J. and Manjunath, B.S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009, International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 252,gMission: A general spatial crowdsourcing platform,"Chen, Z. and Fu, R. and Zhao, Z. and Liu, Z. and Xia, L. and Chen, L. and Cheng, P. and Chen Cao, C. and Tong, Y. and Jason Zhang, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,VLDB Endowment,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 253,Heterogeneous Features and Model Selection for Event-based Media Classification,"Liu, Xueliang and Huet, Benoit",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,3rd ACM Conference on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 254,Hiding on the road - Anonymous usage of location based services,"Walsh, A. and Pfeifer, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,36th Conference on Local Computer Networks,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 255,High performance integrated spatial big data analytics,"Chen, X.a and Vo, H.b and Aji, A.c and Wang, F.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 256,"Holistic sense-making: Conflicting opinions, creative ideas, and collective intelligence","Chen, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2007,Library Hi Tech,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 257,Home Location Identification of Twitter Users,"Mahmud, Jalal and Nichols, Jeffrey and Drews, Clemens",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,ACM Transactions on Intelligent Sstems and Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 258,Hootenanny: Web enabeled geospatial vector-data conflation and map generation,"Canavosio-Zuzelski, R. and Surratt, J. and Bower, D. and Governski, J. and Sorenson, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Imaging and Geospatial Technology Forum,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 259,How People Describe Their Place: Identifying Predominant Types of Place Descriptions,"Richter, Daniela and Winter, Stephan and Richter, Kai-Florian and Stirling, Lesley",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 260,Human Activity Recognition from Spatial Data Sources,"Dashdorj, Zolzaya and Sobolevsky, Stanislav and Serafini, Luciano and Ratti, Carlo",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Mobile Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 261,Human Assisted Positioning Using Textual Signs,"Han, Bo and Qian, Feng and Ra, Moo-Ryong",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,16th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 262,Humour Reactions in Crisis: A Proximal Analysis of Chinese Posts on Sina Weibo in Reaction to the Salt Panic of March 2011,"Beeston, Gareth Paul and Leon Urrutia, Manuel and Halcrow, Caroline and Xiao, Xianni and Liu, Lu and Wang, Jinchuan and Jay Kim, Jinho and Park, Kunwoo",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 263,I2RS: A Distributed Geo-textual Image Retrieval and Recommendation System,"Chen, Lu and Gao, Yunjun and Xing, Zhihao and Jensen, Christian S. and Chen, Gang",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,VLDB Endowment,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 264,ICWSM 2007 - International conference on weblogs and social media,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2007, International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 265,Identification of (Near) Real-time Traffic Congestion in the Cities of Australia Through Twitter,"Gong, Yikai and Deng, Fengmin and Sinnott, Richard O.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,1st International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 266,Identification of valid turning movements of road networks using low frequency GPS data,"Teo, K.H.a and Lim, K.K.a and Robinson, S.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 267,Identifying Disruptive Events from Social Media to Enhance Situational Awareness,"Alsaedi, Nasser and Burnap, Pete and Rana, Omer",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015, International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 268,"IFIP TC 8 WG 8.9 International Conference on Research and Practical lssues of Enterprise Information Systems, CONFENIS 2007",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2008,IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 269,I'M Eating a Sandwich in Glasgow: Modeling Locations with Tweets,"Kinsella, Sheila and Murdock, Vanessa and O'Hare, Neil",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,3rd International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 270,IM2MAP: Deriving maps from georeferenced community contributed photo collections,"Xie, L. and Newsam, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011, ACM Multimedia Conference and Co-Located Workshops,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 271,Image Sequence Geolocation with Human Travel Priors,"Kalogerakis, Evangelos and Vesselova, Olga and Hays, James and Efros,Alexei A. and Hertzmann, Aaron",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009, 12th International Conference on Computer Vision,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 272,Implementing a virtual community of practice for family physician training: A mixed-methods case study,"Barnett, S.a and Jones, S.C.b and Caton, T.c and Iverson, D.d and Bennett, S.e and Robinson, L.f ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Journal of Medical Internet Research,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 273,Improved transient weather reporting using people centric sensing,"Phillips, W.D.a b and Sankar, R.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,10th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 274,Improving Location Recommendations with Temporal Pattern Extraction,"Marinho, Leandro Balby and Nunes, Iury and Sandholm, Thomas and Nobrega, Caio and Araujo, Jordao and Pires, Carlos Eduardo Santos",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,18th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 275,Increasing the Bandwidth of Crowdsourced Visual Question Answering to Better Support Blind Users,"Lasecki, Walter S. and Zhong, Yu and Bigham, Jeffrey P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 276,Industry in motion: Using smart phones to explore the spatial network of the garment industry in New York City,"Williams, S.a and Currid-Halkett, E.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,PLoS ONE,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 277,Inferring Twitter User Locations with 10 Km Accuracy,"Ryoo, KyoungMin and Moon, Sue",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014, 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 278,Inferring home location from user's photo collections based on visual content and mobility patterns,"Zheng, D. and Hu, T. and You, Q. and Kautz, H. and Luo, J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,3rd ACM Workshop on Geotagging and Its Applications in Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 279,Inferring the origin locations of tweets with quantitative confidence,"Priedhorsky, R.a and Culotta, A.b and Del Valle, S.Y.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 280,International Conference Computational Science and Its Applications,,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 281,Internet Atlas: A Geographic Database of the Internet,"Durairajan, Ramakrishnan and Ghosh, Subhadip and Tang, Xin and Barford, Paul and Eriksson, Brian",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,5th ACM Workshop on HotPlanet,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 282,Investigating temporal and spatial trends of brand images using twitter opinion mining,"Cho, S.W.a and Cha, M.S.a and Kim, S.Y.a and Song, J.C.b and Sohn, K.-A.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,5th International Conference on Information Science and Applications,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 283,Is my information private? Geo-privacy in the World of Social Media,"Kar, B.a and Ghose, R.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,CEUR Workshop Proceedings,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 284,J911: The Case for Fast Jammer Detection and Location UsingCrowdsourcing Approaches,"Scott, Logan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,24th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 285,Jasmine: A real-time local-event detection system based on geolocation information propagated to microblogs,"Watanabe, K.a and Ochi, M.a and Okabe, M.a b and Onai, R.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,"International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 286,Knowledge formalization for vector data matching using belief theory,"Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M. and Mustiere, S. and Ruas, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Journal of Spatial Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 287,Landmark Classification in Large-scale Image Collections,"Li, Yunpeng and Crandall, David J. and Huttenlocher, Daniel P.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,12th International Conference on Computer Vision,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 288,Large scale image retrieval with practical spatial weighting for bag-of-visual-words,"Wang, F.a b and Wang, H.a and Li, H.a and Zhang, S.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 289,"Large-scale semi-supervised learning by Approximate Laplacian Eigenmaps, VLAD and pyramids","Mantziou, E. and Papadopoulos, S. and Kompatsiaris, Y.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 290,Learning likely locations,"Krumm, J. and Caruana, R. and Counts, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 291,Learning to Extract Local Events from the Web,"Foley, John and Bendersky, Michael and Josifovski, Vanja",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 292,Learning to photograph,"Cheng, B.a and Ni, B.a and Yan, S.a and Tian, Q.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010, ACM International Conference on Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 293,Leveraging geographical metadata to improve search over social media,"Kotov, A. and Wang, Y. and Agichtein, E.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013, 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 294,Limits of social mobilization,"Rutherford, A.a and Cebrian, M.b c and Dsouza, S.a and Moro, E.d e and Pentland, A.f and Rahwan, I.a g ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 295,Limosa: A System for Geographic User Interest Analysis in Twitter,"Vosecky, Jan and Jiang, Di and Ng, Wilfred",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 296,Local knowledge matters for crowdsourcing systems: Experience from transferring an American site to China,"Torre, F.a and Liu, Y.a and Liu, Z.b and Terveen, L.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,7th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 297,Location Inference of Social Media Posts at Hyper-Local Scale,"McClanahan, B. & Gokhale, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 298,Location tracking: Views from the older adult population,"Thomas, L.a and Little, L.a and Briggs, P.a and Mcinnes, L.a and Jones, E.b and Nicholson, J.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Age and Ageing,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 299,Machine learning based social media recommendation,"Lai, T. & Zheng, X.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,2nd IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 300,MALDI-TOF MS enables the rapid identification of the major molecular types within the cryptococcus neoformans/C. gattii species complex,"Firacative, C.a b and Trilles, L.a c and Meyer, W.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,PLoS ONE,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 301,Map-Matching Cell Phone Trajectories of Low Spatial and Temporal Accuracy,"Schulze, G.; Horn, C. & Kern, R.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 302,Mapping subscribers for better mobile networks,"Coleman, N.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,GEO: connexion,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 303,Mapping the global Twitter heartbeat: The geography of Twitter,"Leetaru, K.a and Wang, S.b c and Cao, G.b and Padmanabhan, A.c and Shook, E.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,First Monday,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 304,Mapping the Twitterverse in the Developing World: An Analysis of Social Media Use in Nigeria,"Fink, Clayton and Kopecky, Jonathon and Bos, Nathan and Thomas, Max",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,"5th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral- Cultural Modeling and Prediction","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 305,Maximizing the number of worker's self-selected tasks in spatial crowdsourcing,"Deng, D. and Shahabi, C. and Demiryurek, U.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 306,Measuring the Reliability of Wheelchair User Route Planning based onVolunteered Geographic Information,"Neis, Pascal",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Transactions in GIS ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 307,Measuring tourist activities in cities using geotagged photography,"Kadar, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Tourism Geographies,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 308,Measuring Urban Deprivation from User Generated Content,"Venerandi, Alessandro and Quattrone, Giovanni and Capra, Licia and Quercia, Daniele and Saez-Trumper, Diego",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015, 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 309,MediaQ: Mobile Multimedia Management System,"Kim, Seon Ho and Lu, Ying and Constantinou, Giorgos and Shahabi, Cyrus and Wang, Guanfeng and Zimmermann, Roger",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 310,Mercury: A memory-constrained spatio-temporal real-time search on microblogs,"Magdy, A.a and Mokbel, M.F.a and Elnikety, S.b and Nath, S.b and He, Y.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Conference on Data Engineering,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 311,Mesh extraction from a regular grid structure using adjacency matrix,"Tully, D. and El Rhalibi, A. and Pan, Z. and Carter, C. and Sudirman, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 312,Meta-image navigation augmenters for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (MINA for UAS),"Koray, C.a and Somani, A.K.a and Schnaufer, B.b and Hwang, P.Y.b and McGraw, G.A.b and Nadke, J.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Society for Optical Engineering,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 313,Mind the map: the impact of culture and economic affluence on crowd-mapping behaviours,"Quattrone, Giovanni and Mashhadi, Afra and Capra, Licia",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 314,Mining a Multilingual Geographical Gazetteer from the Web,"Popescu, Adrian and Grefenstette, Gregory and Bouamor, Houda",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009, International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 315,Mining Conversations of Geographically Changing Users,"McNamara, Liam and Rohner, Christian",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,21st International Conference Companion on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 316,Mining the web for points of interest,"Rae, A.a and Murdock, V.a and Popescu, A.b and Bouchard, H.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 317,Modeling Human Location Data with Mixtures of Kernel Densities,"Lichman, Moshe and Smyth, Padhraic",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,20th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 318,Modeling locations with social media,"O'Hare, N. and Murdock, V.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 319,Modeling the adoption of innovations in the presence of geographic and media influences,"Toole, J.L.a and Cha, M.b and Gonzalez, M.C.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,PLoS ONE,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 320,Modelling growth of urban crowd-sourced information,"Quattrone, G.a and Mashhadi, A.b and Quercia, D.c and Smith-Clarke, C.a and Capra, L.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,7th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 321,MoNoTrac - A mobility trace generator based on OpenStreetMap geo-dat,"Gunes, M.; Juraschek, F.; Blywis, B. & Graff, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010, 7th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 322,Moving forward: Location privacy and location awareness,"Duckham, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 323,MSRC at TREC 2011 crowdsourcing track,"Bennett, P.a and Kamar, E.a and Kazai, G.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,NIST Special Publication,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 324,Multi-granular street network representation towards quality assessment of OpenStreetMap data,"Jilani, M. and Corcoran, P. and Bertolotto, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 325,Multi-modal bike sensing for automatic geo-annotation geo-annotation of road/terrain type by participatory bike-sensing,"Verstockt, S.a and Slavkovikj, V.a and De Potter, P.a and Slowack, J.b and Van De Walle, R.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 326,Multimodal geo-tagging in social media websites using hierarchical spatial segmentation,"Kelm, P. and Schmiedeke, S. and Sikora, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 327,Multi-Modal Image Retrieval for Complex Queries Using Small Codes,"Siddiquie, Behjat and White, Brandyn and Sharma, Abhishek and Davis, Larry S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 328,Multi-order visual phrase for scalable image search,"Zhang, S.a and Tian, Q.a and Huang, Q.b and Gao, W.c and Rui, Y.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 329,Multi-order visual phrase for scalable partial-duplicate visual search,"Zhang, S.a and Tian, Q.a and Huang, Q.b and Gao, W.c and Rui, Y.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Multimedia Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 330,Multiple PiPs detection in unbounded video stream,"Cui, C.a b and Zhao, Y.a b and Wei, S.a b and Zhu, Z.a b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 331,My Day in Review: Visually Summarising Noisy Lifelog Data,"Chowdhury, Soumyadeb and McParlane, Philip J. and Ferdous, Md. Sadek and Jose, Joemon",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015, 5th ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 332,National and local influenza surveillance through twitter: An analysis of the 2012-2013 influenza epidemic,"Broniatowski, D.A.a b and Paul, M.J.c and Dredze, M.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,PLoS ONE,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 333,NeoGeography and the nature of geographic expertise,"Goodchild, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,Journal of Location Based Services,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 334,Non-parametric Scan Statistics for Event Detection and Forecasting in Heterogeneous Social Media Graphs,"Chen, Feng and Neill, Daniel B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,20th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 335,"OMG, from Here, I Can See the Flames!: A Use Case of Mining Location Based Social Networks to Acquire Spatio-temporal Data on Forest Fires","De Longueville, Bertrand and Smith, Robin S. and Luraschi, Gianluca",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009, International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 336,On replica placement in a social CDN for e-Science,"Kugler, K.a and Caton, S.a and Chard, K.b and Katz, D.S.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,10th International Conference on eScience,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 337,On the Locality of Keywords in Twitter Streams,"Abdelhaq, Hamed and Gertz, Michael",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 338,On the Localness of User-generated Content,"Hecht, Brent J. and Gergle, Darren",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 339,On the Accuracy of Hyper-local Geotagging of Social Media Content,"Flatow, David and Naaman, Mor and Xie, Ke Eddie and Volkovich, Yana and Kanza, Yaron",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,8th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 340,On the accuracy of urban crowd-sourcing for maintaining large-scale geospatial databases,"Mashhadi, A.a and Quattrone, G.a and Capra, L.a and Mooney, P.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, 8th Annual International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 341,On the automatic online collection of training data for visual event modeling,"Liu, X. and Huet, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Multimedia Tools and Applications,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 342,On the map accuracy required for network simulations based on ray launching,"Hanel, T. and Schwamborn, M. and Bothe, A. and Aschenbruck, N.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,"16th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 343,On the use of OpenStreetMap data for V2X channel modeling in urban scenarios,"Nuckelt, J. and Rose, D.M. and Jansen, T. and Kurner, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 344,One is Enough: Distributed Filtering for Duplicate Elimination,"Koloniari, Georgia and Ntarmos, Nikos and Pitoura, Evaggelia and Souravlias, Dimitris",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 345,Openstreetmap in Great Britain: Quality and completeness,"O'Brien, O.a b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 346,Orientation data correction with georeferenced mobile videos,"Wang, G.a and Yin, Y.a and Seo, B.b and Zimmermann, R.a and Shen, Z.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 347,OSMRec Tool for Automatic Recommendation of Categories on Spatial Entities in OpenStreetMap,"Karagiannakis, Nikos and Giannopoulos, Giorgos and Skoutas, Dimitrios and Athanasiou, Spiros",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 348,Outsourcing Search Services on Private Spatial Data,"Yiu, Man Lung and Ghinita, Gabriel and Jensen, Christian S. and Kalnis,Panos",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,25th International Conference on Data Engineering,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 349,Participatory Spatial Knowledge Management Tools: Empowerment and upscaling or exclusion?,"Pfeffer, K.a and Baud, I.a and Denis, E.b and Scott, D.c and Sydenstricker-Neto, J.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Information Communication and Society,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 350,Participatory telerobotics,"Wissner-Gross, Alexander D. and Sullivan, Timothy M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Next-generation analyst,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 351,Partners HealthCare Center for Connected Health.,"Ternullo, J. and Jethwani, K. and Lane, S. and Myint-U, K. and Havasy, R. and Carter, M. and Kvedar, J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 352,Pattern-mining approach for conflating crowdsourcing road networks withPOIs,"Yang, Bisheng and Zhang, Yunfei",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 353,Personal Location Based Services on Place-enhanced Blog,"Kaji, Hideki and Arikawa, Masatoshi",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2008,16th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 354,Phillies tweeting from philly? Predicting twitter user locations with spatial word usage,"Chang, H.-W.a and Lee, D.a and Eltaher, M.b and Lee, J.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 355,Photo Stream Alignment for Collaborative Photo Collection and Sharing in Social Media,"Yang, Jianchao and Luo, Jiebo and Yu, Jie and Huang, Thomas S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,3rd ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Social Media,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 356,Photo based volunteered geographic information initiatives: A comparative study of their suitability for helping quality control of corine land cover,"Estima, J. and Painho, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 357,Photographer Paths: Sequence Alignment of Geotagged Photos for Exploration-based Route Planning,"El Ali, Abdallah and van Sas, Sicco N.A. and Nack, Frank",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 358,Placing Flickr Photos on a Map,"Serdyukov, Pavel and Murdock, Vanessa and van Zwol, Roelof",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,32nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 359,Placing Photos with a Multimodal Probability Density Function,"Hare, Jonathon and Davies, Jamie and Samangooei, Sina and Lewis, Paul",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 360,Placing User-generated Content on the Map with Confidence,"Intagorn, Suradej and Lerman, Kristina",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 361,Placing images on the world map: A microblog-based enrichment approach,"Hauff, C. and Houben, G.-J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012, International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 362,Predicting geo-informative attributes in large-scale image collections using convolutional neural networks,"Lee, S. and Zhang, H. and Crandall, D.J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 363,Predicting the topic influence trends in social media with multiple models,"Han, Y.a b and Fang, B.b c and Jia, Y.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Neurocomputing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 364,Predicting Well-being with Geo-referenced Data Collected from Social Media Platforms,"Loff, Joao and Reis, Manuel and Martins, Bruno",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 365,Prediction of user location using the radiation model and social check-ins,"Tarasov, A.a and Kling, F.b and Pozdnoukhov, A.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 366,Privacy-preserving Publication of Provenance Workflows,"Maruseac, Mihai and Ghinita, Gabriel and Rughinis, Razvan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,4th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 367,Probabilistic Convex Hull Queries over Uncertain Data,"Yan, Da and Zhao, Zhou and Ng, Wilfred and Liu, Steven",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 368,Prospects and challenges of rendering tissue density in Hounsfield units for cone beam computed tomography,"Molteni, R.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,"Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology",(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 369,Proximate sensing using georeferenced community contributed photo collections,"Leung, D. and Newsam, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 370,Purposive hidden-object-game: Embedding human computation in popular game,"Ni, Y. and Dong, J. and Feng, J. and Yan, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,ACM Multimedia Conference and Co-Located Workshops,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 371,Putting Ubiquitous Crowd-sourcing into Context,"Mashhadi, Afra and Quattrone, Giovanni and Capra, Licia",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 372,QualEvS4Geo: A peer-to-peer system architecture for semi-automated quality evaluation of geo-data in SDI,"Mobasheri, A.a and Zipf, A.a and Bakillah, M.a b and Liang, S.H.L.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 373,Qualitative matching of spatial information,"Wallgrun, J.O.a and Wolter, D.b and Richter, K.-F.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 374,Quality-aware similarity assessment for entity matching in Web data ,Surender Reddy Yerva and Zoltan Miklos and Karl Aberer,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Information Systems ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 375,Rare is Interesting: Connecting Spatio-temporal Behavior Patterns with Subjective Image Appeal,"Yildirim, Gokhan and Susstrunk, Sabine",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM International Workshop on Geotagging and Its Applications in Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 376,Reading between the Lines: Object localization using implicit cues from image tags,"Hwang, S.J. and Grauman, K.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 377,Realising the full potential of citizen science monitoring programs ,Ayesha I.T. Tulloch and Hugh P. Possingham and Liana N. Joseph and Judit Szabo and Tara G. Martin,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Biological Conservation ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 378,Real-time Spatio-temporal Analysis of West Nile Virus Using Twitter Data,"Sugumaran, Ramanathan and Voss, Jonathan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Applications,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 379,Real-Time Visual Concept Classification,"Uijlings, Jasper R. R. and Smeulders, Arnold W. M. and Scha, Remko J. H.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Transactions on Multimedia,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 380,Recommending Fair Payments for Large-Scale Social Ridesharing,"Bistaffa, Filippo and Farinelli, Alessandro and Chalkiadakis, Georgios and Ramchurn, Sarvapali D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 381,Reliable Diversity-based Spatial Crowdsourcing by Moving Workers,"Cheng, Peng and Lian, Xiang and Chen, Zhao and Fu, Rui and Chen, Lei and Han, Jinsong and Zhao, Jizhong",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Proc. VLDB Endow.,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 382,Remote transmitter tracking with Raytraced fingerprint database,"De Groot, E.a and Bose, T.a and Cooper, C.b and Kruse, M.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,IEEE Military Communications Conference ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 383,Reputation-based crowdsourced Wi-Fi topology discovery ,Pantelis A. Frangoudis and George C. Polyzos,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Computer Networks ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 384,"Rich Location-driven Tag Cloud Suggestions Based on Public, Community, and Personal Sources","Joshi, Dhiraj and Luo, Jiebo and Yu, Jie and Lei, Phoury and Gallagher, Andrew",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Connected Multimedia,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 385,"Right time, right place health communication on twitter: Value and accuracy of location information","Burton, S.H.a and Tanner, K.W.a and Giraud-Carrier, C.G.a and West, J.H.b and Barnes, M.D.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Journal of Medical Internet Research,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 386,Road recognition using coarse-grained vehicular traces,"Liu, X.a and Zhu, Y.a and Wang, Y.b and Forman, G.b and Ni, L.M.c and Fang, Y.a and Li, M.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,HP Laboratories Technical Report,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 387,Robust and Trusted Crowd-Sourcing and Crowd-Tasking in the Future Internet,"Havlik, D. and Egly, M. and Huber, H. and Kutschera, P. and Falgenhauer, M. and Cizek, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 388,Robust detection of hyper-local events from geotagged social media data,"Xie, K. and Xia, C. and Grinberg, N. and Schwartz, R. and Naaman, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,13th International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 389,Sais: Smartphone augmented infrastructure sensing for public safety and sustainability in smart cities,"Liao, C.-C.a and Hou, T.-F.a and Lin, T.-Y.a and Cheng, Y.-J.a and Erbad, A.b and Hsu, C.-H.a and Venkatasubramanian, N.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,1st International Workshop on Emerging Multimedia Applications and Services for Smart Cities,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 390,Scalable Logo Recognition in Real-world Images,"Romberg, Stefan and Pueyo, Lluis Garcia and Lienhart, Rainer and van Zwol, Roelof",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 391,Scalable Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Study of Distributed Algorithms,"Alfarrarjeh, A.; Emrich, T. & Shahabi, C",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,6th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 392,SEA: A System for Event Analysis on Chinese Tweets,"Wang, Yaqiong and Liu, Hongfu and Lin, Hao and Wu, Junjie and Wu, Zhiang and Cao, Jie",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 393,Securing Crisis Maps in Conflict Zones,"Chamales, G. & Baker, R.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Global Humanitarian Technology Conference,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 394,Semantic Enrichment of Mobile Phone Data Records,"Dashdorj, Zolzaya and Serafini, Luciano and Antonelli, Fabrizio and Larcher, Roberto",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 395,Semantic Keyword-based Retrieval of Photos Taken with Mobile Devices,"Viana, Windson and Hammiche, Samira and Moisuc, Bogdan and Villanova-Oliver, Marlene and Gensel, Jerome and Martin, Herve",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2008,6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 396,Semantic Positioning - An Innovative Approach for Providing Location-Based Services Based on the Web of Data,"Uzun, A.; Salem, M. & Kupper, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,IEEE Seventh International Conference on Semantic Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 397,Semantically Meaningful Group Detection Within Sub-communities of Twitter Blogosphere: A Topic Oriented Multi-objective Clustering Approach,"Sotiropoulos, Dionisios N. and Kounavis, Chris D. and Giaglis, George M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013, International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 398,Semi-automatic interpretation of buildings and settlement areas in user-generated spatial data,"Werder, S. and Kieler, B. and Sester, M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 399,Shopaholic: A Crowd-sourced Spatio-temporal Product-deals Evaluation System ( Demo Paper),"Rathinavel, Kruthika and Dixit, Gaurav and Matarazzo, Michael and Lu, Chang-Tien",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 400,SIEGE: Service-Independent Enterprise-GradE protection against password scans,"Waldvogel, M. and Kollek, J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Lecture Notes in Informatics,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 401,Simple Supervised Document Geolocation with Geodesic Grids,"Wing, Benjamin P. and Baldridge, Jason",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 402,Simulation of the adaptive multivariate exploration for routes guidance,"Romsaiyud, W.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 403,Simultaneous localization and mapping for pedestrians using only foot-mounted inertial sensors,"Robertson, P.a and Angermann, M.a and Krach, B.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 404,Smart Mobility Policies with Evolutionary Algorithms: The Adapting Info Panel Case,"Stolfi, Daniel H. and Alba, Enrique",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 405,Social Eye Tracking: Gaze Recall with Online Crowds,"Cheng, Shiwei and Sun, Zhiqiang and Ma, Xiaojuan and Forlizzi, Jodi L. and Hudson, Scott E. and Dey, Anind",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 406,SocRoutes: Safe Routes Based on Tweet Sentiments,"Kim, Jaewoo and Cha, Meeyoung and Sandholm, Thomas",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 407,Some legal concerns with the use of crowd-sourced Geospatial Information,"Cho, George",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,7th International Remote Sensing and GIS Conference and Exhibition,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 408,Spatial Dissemination Metrics for Location-based Social Networks,"Lima, Antonio and Musolesi, Mirco",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 409,Spatial Influence vs. Community Influence: Modeling the Global Spread of Social Media,"Kamath, Krishna Y. and Caverlee, James and Cheng, Zhiyuan and Sui, Daniel Z.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 410,Spatial Semantic Search in Location-based Web Services,"Park, Jeong-Hoon",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,23rd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 411,Spatial accuracy 2.0,"Goodchild, Michael F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2008,8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Science,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 412,Spatial Topic Modeling in Online Social Media for Location Recommendation,"Bo Hu, Martin Ester",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,7th ACM conference on Recommender systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 413,Spatio-temporal Meme Prediction: Learning What Hashtags Will Be Popular Where,"Kamath, Krishna Y. and Caverlee, James",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,22nd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 414,Spatiotemporal Transformation of Social Media Geostreams: A Case Study of Twitter for Flu Risk Analysis,"Hwang, Myung-Hwa and Wang, Shaowen and Cao, Guofeng and Padmanabhan, Anand and Zhang, Zhenhua",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 415,Spatio-temporal and Events Based Analysis of Topic Popularity in Twitter,"Ardon, Sebastien and Bagchi, Amitabha and Mahanti, Anirban and Ruhela, Amit and Seth, Aaditeshwar and Tripathy, Rudra Mohan and Triukose, Sipat",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,22nd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 416,Spatiotemporal behavior profiling: A treasure hunt case study,"de Graaff, V. and Pfoser, D. and Van Keulen, M. and de By, R.A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 417,Spatio-Temporal Decision Support System for Natural Crisis Management with TweetComP1,"Middleton, S.E.a and Zielinski, A.b and Necmioglu, O. and Hammitzsch, M.d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 418,Spatio-temporal provenance: Identifying location information from unstructured text,"Lee, K.a and Ganti, R.a and Srivatsa, M.a and Mohapatra, P.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 419,Storage and Processing of the Results of Water Quality Investigations of Streamflows. ,"Hock, Bela and Schneider, Jolan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,1986,Vizugyi Kozlemenyek,(E11) the primary study has not been published between 2005 and 2015;,,,,,, 420,Sub word and spatiotemporal models for identifying actionable information in Haitian Kreyol,"Munro, R.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,15th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 421,Success & Scale in a Data-Producing Organization: The Socio-Technical Evolution of OpenStreetMap in Response to Humanitarian Events,"Palen, Leysia and Soden, Robert and Anderson, T. Jennings and Barrenechea, Mario",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 422,Suggestive Geo-Tagging Assistance for Geo-Collaboration Tools,"Austerschulte, Marius and Kessler, Carsten",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Geospatial Thinking,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 423,"Supervised models for multimodal image retrieval based on visual, semantic and geographic information","Dang-Nguyen, D.-T.; Boato, G.; Moschitti, A. & De Natale, F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,10th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing ,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 424,Supporting Urban Energy Efficiency with Volunteered Roof Information andthe Google Maps API,"Abdulkarim, Bilal and Kamberov, Rustam and Hay, Geoffrey J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Remote Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 425,TAREEG: A MapReduce-based System for Extracting Spatial Data from OpenStreetMap,"Alarabi, Louai and Eldawy, Ahmed and Alghamdi, Rami and Mokbel, Mohamed F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 426,Temporal Analysis of Activity Patterns of Editors in Collaborative Mapping Project of OpenStreetMap,"Yasseri, Taha and Quattrone, Giovanni and Mashhadi, Afra",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,9th International Symposium on Open Collaboration,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 427,"Testing the Accuracy of Topographic Maps at the Scale of 1:25000 published by the Military Geographical Institute, Belgrade ","Pucekovic, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Geodetski List,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 428,Text and the city,"Yap, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,BJU International,(E6) the primary study is incomplete; ,,,,,, 429,The One and Many Maps: Participatory and Temporal Diversities in OpenStreetMap,"Chuang, Tyng-Ruey and Deng, Dong-Po and Hsu, Chun-Chen and Lemmens, Rob",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 430,The city of New Orleans blight fight: Using GIS technology to integrate local knowledge,"Thompson, M.M.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,Housing Policy Debate,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 431,The geolocation of web logs from textual clues,"Fink, C.a and Piatko, C.a and Mayfield, J.a and Chou, D.a and Finin, T.b and Martineau, J.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 432,The point cadastre requirement revisited,"Hackman-Antwi, R. and Bennett, R.M. and de Vries, W.T. and Lemmen, C.H.J. and Meijer, C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Survey Review,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 433,The potential and early limitations of volunteered geographic information,"Coleman, D.J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Geomatica,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 434,The role of mobile volunteered geographic information in urban management,"Song, W. and Sun, G.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,18th International Conference on Geoinformatics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 435,The role of VGI and PGI in supporting outdoor activities,"Parker, C.J. and May, A. and Mitchell, V.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Applied Ergonomics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 436,The San Francisco Public Art Map application: Using VGI and social media to complement institutional data sources,"Milholland, N. and Pultar, E.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on MapInteraction,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 437,The Twitter of Babel: Mapping World Languages through Microblogging Platforms,"Mocanu, D.a and Baronchelli, A.a and Perra, N.a and Goncalves, B.b and Zhang, Q.a and Vespignani, A.a c d ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,PLoS ONE,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 438,The urbangene project experience from a crowdsourced mapping campaign,"Ingensand, J. and Nappez, M. and Joost, S. and Widmer, I. and Ertz, O. and Rappo, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,"1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 439,The use of Twitter to track levels of disease activity and public concern in the U.S. during the influenza A H1N1 pandemic,"Signorini, A.a and Segre, A.M.a and Polgreen, P.M.b c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,PLoS ONE,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 440,The where and when of finding new friends: Analysis of a location-based social discovery network,"Chen, T.a and Kaafar, M.A.a b and Boreli, R.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,7th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 441,To crowdsource or not to crowdsource?: Crowdsourcing,"Kalantari, M. and Rajabifard, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,GIM International,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 442,Tourism and environmental change in Barbados: Gathering citizen perspectives with volunteered geographic information (VGI),"Ricker, B.A.a and Johnson, P.A.b and Sieber, R.E.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Journal of Sustainable Tourism,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 443,Toward Coupling Sensor Data and Volunteered Geographic Information ( VGI) with Agent-based Transport Simulation in the Context of Smart Cities,"Bakillah, Mohamed and Liang, Steve H. L. and Zipf, Alexander",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sensor Web Enablement,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 444,Toward Understanding Natural Language Directions,"Kollar, Thomas and Tellex, Stefanie and Roy, Deb and Roy, Nicholas",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,5th International Conference on Human-robot Interaction,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 445,Toward the camera rain gauge,"Allamano, P. and Croci, A. and Laio, F.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Water Resources Research,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 446,Towards Changing the User Perception of Mobile Communications Through Geotagged Information,"Martinez, Miquel and de Andres, David and Ruiz, Juan-Carlos and Hassan, Mahbub and Kanhere, Salil",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st European Workshop on AppRoaches to MObiquiTous Resilience,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 447,Towards Context-aware Search and Analysis on Social Media Data,"Derczynski, Leon R. A. and Yang, Bin and Jensen, Christian S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 448,Towards Precise POI Localization with Social Media,"Popescu, Adrian and Shabou, Aymen",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 449,Towards a sustainable volunteered community: An analysis of the OpenStreetMap community in Japan and its activity after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake,"Hayakawa, T.; Imi, Y. & Ito, T.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 450,Towards automated georeferencing of Flickr photos,"Van Laere, O.a and Schockaert, S.b and Dhoedt, B.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 451,Towards automatic topical classification of LOD datasets,"Meusel, R. and Spahiu, B. and Bizer, C. and Paulheim, H.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Workshop on Linked Data on the Web,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 452,Towards better land cover classification using geo-tagged photographs,"Oba, H. and Hirota, M. and Chbeir, R. and Ishikawa, H. and Yokoyama, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 453,Towards Fast and Accurate Solutions to Vehicle Routing in a Large-Scaleand Dynamic Environment,"Li, Yaguang and Deng, Dingxiong and Demiryurek, Ugur and Shahabi, Cyrusand Ravada, Siva",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 454,"Towards standardized Vehicle Grid Integration: Current status, challenges, and next steps","Chen, B.; Hardy, K.; Harper, J.; Bohn, T. & Dobrzynski, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 455,Towards the production of digital terrain models from volunteered GPS trajectories,"Massad, I. and Dalyot, S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Survey Review,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 456,Tracing the German Centennial Flood in the Stream of Tweets: First Lessons Learned,"Fuchs, Georg and Andrienko, Natalia and Andrienko, Gennady and Bothe, Sebastian and Stange, Hendrik",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 457,"Track Globally, Deliver Locally: Improving Content Delivery Networks by Tracking Geographic Social Cascades","Scellato, Salvatore and Mascolo, Cecilia and Musolesi, Mirco and Crowcroft, Jon",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,20th International Conference on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 458,Transportation mode-based segmentation and classification of movement trajectories,"Biljecki, F.a and Ledoux, H.b and van Oosterom, P.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 459,Travel route recommendation using geotagged photos,"Kurashima, T.a and Iwata, T.b and Irie, G.a and Fujimura, K.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 460,Traveling Trends: Social Butterflies or Frequent Fliers?,"Ferrara, Emilio and Varol, Onur and Menczer, Filippo and Flammini, Alessandro",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,1st ACM Conference on Online Social Networks,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 461,Trustworthiness Assessment in Mapping Urban Accessibility via Sensing and Crowdsourcing,"Prandi, Catia and Mirri, Silvia and Salomoni, Paola",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,1st International Conference on IoT in Urban Space,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 462,Truth Discovery in Crowdsourced Detection of Spatial Events,"Ouyang, Robin Wentao and Srivastava, Mani and Toniolo, Alice and Norman, Timothy J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 463,Turning the OpenMobileNetwork into a Live Crowdsourcing Platform for Semantic Context-aware Services,"Uzun, Abdulbaki and Lehmann, Lorenz and Geismar, Thilo and Kupper, Axel",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,9th International Conference on Semantic Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 464,Tweecalization: Efficient and intelligent location mining in twitter using semi-supervised learning,"Abrol, S. and Khan, L. and Thuraisingham, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,"8th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing",(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 465,TweetLDA: Supervised Topic Classification and Link Prediction in Twitter,"Quercia, Daniele and Askham, Harry and Crowcroft, Jon",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,4th Annual ACM Web Science Conference,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 466,Tweets from justin bieber's heart: The dynamics of the location field in user profiles,"Hecht, B.a and Hong, L.b and Suh, B.b and Chi, E.H.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 467,TweoLocator: A non-intrusive geographical locator system for Twitter,"Gonzalez, R. and Figueroa, G. and Chen, Y.-S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 468,TWinner: Understanding News Queries with Geo-content Using Twitter,"Abrol, Satyen and Khan, Latifur",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 469,Twitter as an indicator for whereabouts of people? Correlating Twitter with UK census data,"Steiger, E. and Westerholt, R. and Resch, B. and Zipf, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,"Computers, Environment and Urban Systems","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 470,Typologies of tourists' time-space consumption: a new approach using GPSdata and GIS tools,"Grinberger, A. Yair and Shoval, Noam and McKercher, Bob",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Tourism Geographies,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 471,Ubiquitous Sketching for Social Media,"Cowan, Lisa G. and Weibel, Nadir and Pina, Laura R. and Hollan, James D. and Griswold, William G.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 472,Uncovering Locally Characterizing Regions Within Geotagged Data,"Thomee, Bart and Rae, Adam",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,22nd International Conference on World Wide Web,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 473,Uncovering the location of Twitter users,"Rodrigues, E.a and Assuncao, R.b and Pappa, G.L.b and Miranda, R.b and Meira Jr., W.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 474,Understanding Spatial Homophily: The Case of Peer Influence and Social Selection,"Zhang, Ke and Pelechrinis, Konstantinos",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,23rd International Conference on World Wide Web,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 475,Understanding geographic attentions of crowd from photographing information,"Kubo, Y. and Kubo, M. and Sato, H. and Hirano, M. and Namatame, A.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 476,"Understanding wireless network coverage, connectivity, and locations using opportunistic sensing for a WiFi advisory system","Wu, F.-J. & Lin, W.-C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,"IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing ",(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 477,Unite research with what citizens do for fun: recreational monitoring of marine biodiversity,"Goffredo, Stefano and Pensa, Francesco and Neri, Patrizia and Orlandi,Antonio and Gagliardi, Maria Scola and Velardi, Angela and Piccinetti,Corrado and Zaccanti, Francesco",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,Ecological applications,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 478,Updating digital elevation models via change detection and fusion of human and remote sensor data in urban environments,"Klonner, C. and Barron, C. and Neis, P. and Hofle, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,International Journal of Digital Earth,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 479,Usability of Geographic Information: Current challenges and future directions,"Brown, M.a b and Sharples, S.b and Harding, J.c and Parker, C.J.d and Bearman, N.e and Maguire, M.d and Forrest, D.f and Haklay, M.g and Jackson, M.h ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,Applied Ergonomics,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 480,User-centred design of neogeography: the impact of volunteered geographic information on users' perceptions of online map 'mashups',"Parker, C.J. and May, A. and Mitchell, V.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Ergonomics,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 481,Using Crowdsourced Geographic Information from OpenStreetMap for Discrete Event Simulation of Logistic Systems,"Meyer, Torben and Trojahn, Matthias and Strassburger, Steffen",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,46th Annual Simulation Symposium,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 482,"Using Social Media for Collaborative Species Identification and Occurrence: Issues, Methods, and Tools","Deng, Dong-Po and Chuang, Tyng-Ruey and Shao, Kwang-Tsao and Mai, Guan-Shuo and Lin, Te-En and Lemmens, Rob and Hsu, Cheng-Hsin and Lin, Hsu-Hong and Kraak, Menno-Jan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 483,Using Social Media to Find Places of Interest: A Case Study,"Van Canneyt, Steven and Van Laere, Olivier and Schockaert, Steven and Dhoedt, Bart",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 484,Using Digital Footprints for a City-Scale Traffic Simulation,"McArdle, Gavin and Furey, Eoghan and Lawlor, Aonghus and Pozdnoukhov,Alexei",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 485,Using one-class classifiers and multiple kernel learning for defining imprecise geographic regions,"Cunha, E. and Martins, B.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 486,Using virtual worlds for socio-cultural modeling,"Perry, E.L.a and Conger, M.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2008,Huntsville Simulation Conference,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 487,Using volunteered data in land cover map validation: Mapping tropical forests across West Africa,"Foody, G.M. and Boyd, D.S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 488,Using volunteered data in land cover map validation: Mapping west African forests,"Foody, G.M. and Boyd, D.S.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 489,Utilizing volunteered information for infectious disease surveillance,"Langley, S.A. and Messina, J.P. and Grady, S.C.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 490,VGI As a Dynamically Updating Data Source in Location-based Services in Urban Environments,"Mooney, Peter and Sun, Huabo and Yan, Lei",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Crowdsouring,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 491,"VIREO/DVMM at TRECVID 2009: High-level feature extraction, automatic video search, and content-based copy detection","Ngo, C.-W.a and Jiang, Y.-G.a b and Wei, X.-Y.a and Zhao, W.a and Liu, Y.a and Wang, J.b and Zhu, S.a and Chang, S.-F.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2009,2009 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 492,Virtual interpretation of Earth Web-Interface Tool (VIEW-IT) for collecting land-use/land-cover reference data,"Clark, M.L.a and Aide, T.M.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Remote Sensing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 493,Visualizing perceived spatial data quality of 3D objects within virtualglobes,"Jones, Krista and Devillers, Rodolphe and Bedard, Yvan and Schroth, Olaf",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,International Journal of Digital Earth,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 494,Visualizing Social Media Sentiment in Disaster Scenarios,"Lu, Yafeng and Hu, Xia and Wang, Feng and Kumar, Shamanth and Liu, Huan and Maciejewski, Ross",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,24th International Conference on World Wide Web,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 495,VITEQ: A generic framework for no-reference quality evaluation of video testimonials,"Verstockt, S.a and De Potter, P.a and De Neve, W.a b and Lambert, P.a and Van De Walle, R.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,4th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience,"(E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; ",,,,,, 496,Volunteered Geographic Services: Developing a Linked Data Driven Location-based Service,"Savelyev, Alexander and Xu, Sen and Janowicz, Krzysztof and Mulligann, Christoph and Thatcher, Jim and Luo, Wei",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 497,Volunteered geographic information,"Baumann, J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2008,GEO: connexion,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 498,Voxel-based Global Illumination,"Thiedemann, Sinje and Henrich, Niklas and Grosch, Thorsten and Muller, Stefan",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 499,Web-based crowdsourcing approach to improve areawide bikeability scoring,"Krykewycz, G.R.a and Pollard, C.a and Canzoneri, N.b and He, E.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Transportation Research Record,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 500,Web-based enrichment of bike sensor data for automatic geo-annotation,"Verstockt, S.a and Slavkovikj, V.a and Janssens, O.b and De Potter, P.a and Slowack, J.c and Van De Walle, R.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013, 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 501,What Is New in Our City? A Framework for Event Extraction Using SocialMedia Posts,"Xia, Chaolun and Hu, Jun and Zhu, Yan and Naaman, Mor",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,Advances on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 502,What is this place? Inferring place categories through user patterns identification in geo-tagged tweets,"Falcone, D. and Mascolo, C. and Comito, C. and Talia, D. and Crowcroft, J.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,"6th International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services","(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 503,What you are is when you are: The temporal dimension of feature types in location-based social networks,"Ye, M.a and Janowicz, K.b and Mulligann, C.a and Lee, W.-C.c ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 504,Where in the World Are You? Geolocation and Language Identification in Twitter,"Graham, M. and Hale, S.A. and Gaffney, D.",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,Professional Geographer,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 505,Where the Paddle Meets the Stream: Bridging Systems Design Theory and Community-based Monitoring Practice,"Sheppard, S. Andrew",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 506,Who is the Barbecue King of Texas?: A Geo-spatial Approach to Finding Local Experts on Twitter,"Cheng, Zhiyuan and Caverlee, James and Barthwal, Himanshu and Bachani, Vandana",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,, 507,"Who, Where, when and What: Discover Spatio-temporal Topics for Twitter Users","Yuan, Quan and Cong, Gao and Ma, Zongyang and Sun, Aixin and Thalmann, Nadia Magnenat-",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2013,19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 508,Who's time is it anyway?: Investigating the accuracy of camera timestamps,"Thomee, B.a and Moreno, J.G.b and Shamma, D.A.a ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014, ACM Conference on Multimedia,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 509,Wisdom about the crowd: Assuring geospatial data quality collected in location-based games,"Matyas, S.a and Kiefer, P.a and Schlieder, C.a and Kleyer, S.b ",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2011,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 510,"Workshop Towards Digital Earth: Search, Discover and Share Geospatial Data ",,REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2010,CEUR Workshop Proceedings,(E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; ,,,,,, 511,World-wide Scale Geotagged Image Dataset for Automatic Image Annotation and Reverse Geotagging,"Mousselly-Sergieh, Hatem and Watzinger, Daniel and Huber, Bastian and Doller, Mario and Egyed-Zsigmond, Elod and Kosch, Harald",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2014,5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 512,"Wq: A Modular Framework for Collecting, Storing, and Utilizing Experiential VGI","Sheppard, S. Andrew",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2012,1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information,"(E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it is not related to quality assessment; ",,,,,, 513,Zebra Crossing Spotter: Automatic Population of Spatial Databases for Increased Safety of Blind Travelers,"Ahmetovic, Dragan and Manduchi, Roberto and Coughlan, James M. and Mascetti, Sergio",REJECTED,UNCLASSIFIED,2015,17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility,(E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; ,,,,,,