Protocol of the Systematic Literature Review Title: A Systematic Literature Review regarding Quality Assessment Methods for Volunteered Geographic Information Researchers: Livia Castro Degrossi, João Porto de Albuquerque, Roberto dos Santos Rocha and Alexander Zipf. Objective: The main objective of the systematic literature review is to identify primary studies that propose or analyze methods for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information. Research question: What are the methods used to assess the quality of CGI? Intervation: Quality assessment of volunteered geographic information Control: Not applicable Population: Volunteered Geographic Information Results: To identify how the quality of volunteered geographic information is evaluated. Keywords: (i) Flickr; OpenStreetMap; Social Computing; Social Media; Twitter; VGI; accuracy; citizen based; collaborative mapping; collective intelligence; collective knowledge; credibility; crisis mapping; crowd sourcing; crowd-sourced data; crowd-sourced geographic information; crowd-sourcing; crowdsourcing; geographic; georeferenced; geotagged; (ii) quality assessment; quality assurance; quality control; quality evaluation; reliability; spatial; trust; user generated content; user-generated content; volunteered geographic data; volunteered geographic information; Language: English and Portuguese Source Engine: (i) ACM; (ii) IEEE; (iii) Science Direct; (iv) Web of Science; (v) Scopus. Inclusion and exclusion criteria: (I1) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of volunteered geographic information; (E1) the primary study is related to quality assessment, but it is not related to volunteered geographic information; (E2) the primary study is related to volunteered geographic information, but it does not propose a quality assessment method; (E3) the primary study is not in Portuguese or English; (E4) the primary study is not available; (E5) the primary study is duplicated; (E6) the primary study is incomplete; (E7) the primary study is a poster, tutorial, technical report or work in progress; (E8) the primary study is a conference summary or call for papers; (E9) the primary study is not related to quality assessment or volunteered geographic information; (E10) the primary study is a literature review; (E11) the primary study has not been published between 2005 and 2014; (E12) the primary study proposes a method for quality assessment of voluntereed geographic information using authoritative data.