Inflammation in epicardial adipose tissue: comparison of inflammatory mechanisms for production of adipocytokines in human epicardial and gluteo-femoral adipose tissue in CABG patients

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Studies have established that adipose tissue distribution has significant impact on disease with central abdominal fat increasing both type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk compared with gluteo-femoral fat. Whilst the relative pathogenic risk of abdominal and gluteo-femoral adipose tissue are apparent, few studies to date have investigated site specific nature of human epicardial adipose tissue compared with gluteo-femoral fat. Our recent studies have implicated epicardial adipose tissue (AT) as an important source of pro-inflammatory cytokines which may have important impact on myocardial function due to its proximity to the heart. Therefore the aim of this study using matched paired epicardial adipose tissue (AT) and gluteo-femoral (thigh) AT from patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients was to examine (1) the key mediators of the innate immune pathway toll like receptors, TLR 2 and TLR 4 (2) the inflammatory signaling molecules nuclear factor kappa B and c-jun kinase (JNK) key mediators of adipocytokine production (3) and the mRNA expression of CD68 as a marker of macrophages investigating the role of macrophages in epicardial adipose tissue.

Item Type: Conference Item (Paper)
Subjects: R Medicine > RC Internal medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Medicine > Warwick Medical School
Journal or Publication Title: Diabetologia
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 0012-186X
Official Date: September 2006
September 2006
Volume: Vol.49
Number: Suppl.1
Number of Pages: 2
Page Range: pp. 54-55
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Restricted or Subscription Access
Funder: European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Conference Paper Type: Paper
Title of Event: 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Type of Event: Conference
Location of Event: Copenhagen, Denmark; Malmoe, Sweden
Date(s) of Event: Sep 14-17, 2006

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