A unified methodology for the application of surface metrology

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This thesis addresses the growing "divergence" in the field of surface metrology
through the presentation of a practical system for unification. A technical and
economic review of applied surface metrology is presented, highlighting the problems
associated with the many advances in instrumentation - particularly in light of the
growing industrial dependence on surface metrology. This background serves as the
basis for the development of a scheme whereby surface specification, instrumentation,
and analysis can be concisely and completely defined and, more importantly,
Several technical aspects of surface metrology are addressed in the development of the
scheme. First the topic of specification and reference geometries is addressed, where it
is argued that least squares methods should provide the most stable basis for
assessment. Stylus/radius convolution and the associated wavelength transmissions are
also considered and experimental investigations are undertaken as to describe their
influences on measured data sets. The treatment of unwanted asperities is investigated
and a new, robust algorithm developed and presented. The study of wavelength
limitation approaches concludes that a sub-set of current methods is technologically
acceptable and therefore economically attractive. A review of parameterization
concentrates on a means for selecting a "unified" set of parameters and guidelines for
the incorporation of future parameters.
Finally, it is shown that the this proposed scheme addresses the underlying divergence
in surface metrology in a manner which is practical in the context of application,
technically justified in the context of standardization, and extensible in the context of
further research.

Item Type: Thesis [via Doctoral College] (PhD)
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Metrology, Surfaces (Physics)
Official Date: 1996
Institution: University of Warwick
Theses Department: School of Engineering
Thesis Type: PhD
Publication Status: Unpublished
Supervisor(s)/Advisor: Grant, M. B. ; Chetwynd, D. G. (Derek G.), 1948- ; Raja, J.
Extent: xx, 338 p.
Language: eng
URI: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/37008/

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