WASP-21b: a hot-Saturn exoplanet transiting a thick disc star

Bouchy, F., Hebb, L., Skillen, I., Cameron, A. Collier, Smalley, B., Udry, S., Anderson, D. R., Boisse, I., Enoch, B., Haswell, C. A. et al.
(2010) WASP-21b: a hot-Saturn exoplanet transiting a thick disc star. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol.519 . Article: A98. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201014817 ISSN 0004-6361.

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We report the discovery of WASP-21b, a new transiting exoplanet discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets ( WASP) Consortium and established and characterized with the FIES, SOPHIE, CORALIE and HARPS fiber-fed echelle spectrographs. A 4.3-d period, 1.1% transit depth and 3.4-h duration are derived for WASP-21b using SuperWASP-North and high precision photometric observations at the Liverpool Telescope. Simultaneous fitting to the photometric and radial velocity data with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure leads to a planet in the mass regime of Saturn. With a radius of 1.07 R-Jup and mass of 0.30 M-Jup, WASP-21b has a density close to 0.24 rho(Jup) corresponding to the distribution peak at low density of transiting gaseous giant planets. With a host star metallicity [Fe/H] of -0.46, WASP-21b strengthens the correlation between planetary density and host star metallicity for the five known Saturn-like transiting planets. Furthermore there are clear indications that WASP-21b is the first transiting planet belonging to the thick disc.

Item Type: Journal Article
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Science > Physics
Journal or Publication Title: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Publisher: EDP Sciences
ISSN: 0004-6361
Official Date: September 2010
September 2010
Volume: Vol.519
Number of Pages: 6
Page Range: Article: A98
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014817
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Restricted or Subscription Access
Funder: ESO telescope at La Silla Observatory, Universities of Keele, Leicester, Open University, Queen's University Belfast, University of St. Andrews, Isaac Newton Group (La Palma), Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Tenerife), South African Astronomical Observatory, UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, CNRS/INSU, Swiss National Science Foundation, French National Research Agency
Grant number: 081.C-0388, 082.C-0040, 084.C-0185, ANR-08-JCJC-0102-01
URI: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/4946/

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