Hyperspectral colon tissue cell classification

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A novel algorithm to discriminate between normal and malignant tissue cells of the human colon is presented. The microscopic level images of human colon tissue cells were acquired using hyperspectral imaging technology at contiguous wavelength intervals of visible light. While hyperspectral imagery data provides a wealth of information, its large size normally means high computational processing complexity. Several methods exist to avoid the so-called curse of dimensionality and hence reduce the computational complexity. In this study, we experimented with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and two modifications of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). In the first stage of the algorithm, the extracted components are used to separate four constituent parts of the colon tissue: nuclei, cytoplasm, lamina propria, and lumen. The segmentation is performed in an unsupervised fashion using the nearest centroid clustering algorithm. The segmented image is further used, in the second stage of the classification algorithm, to exploit the spatial relationship between the labeled constituent parts. Experimental results using supervised Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification based on multiscale morphological features reveal the discrimination between normal and malignant tissue cells with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Item Type: Conference Item (Paper)
Subjects: R Medicine > RC Internal medicine > RC0254 Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology (including Cancer)
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Science > Computer Science
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Colon (Anatomy) -- Cancer, Diagnostic imaging, Colon (Anatomy) -- Diseases -- Diagnosis, Image processing -- Digital techniques
Official Date: 2004
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Unpublished
Date of first compliant deposit: 27 December 2015
Date of first compliant Open Access: 27 December 2015
Conference Paper Type: Paper
Title of Event: SPIE Medical Imaging (MI)
Type of Event: Conference
Location of Event: US
Date(s) of Event: 2004
Related URLs:
URI: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/61376/

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