Investigation of fires in a mechanically ventilated compartment using the CFD code FireFOAM

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The outbreak of fires in nuclear power plants is a major risk due to the potential leak of radioactive materials. The use of traditional prescriptive fire safety regulations has shown its limitations and there is now a shift towards performance-based fire safety engineering, which requires well-validated fire models. Nuclear power plants require the use of mechanical ventilation, which provides dynamic confinement for nuclear materials by maintaining the required pressure. The occurrence of fires could potentially result in pressure variations within power plants. Although dynamic confinement along with other safety measures are in place to prevent fires, there is a continuous need to assess fire safety measures and reduce the risk of fire propagation with the use of fire simulation codes.

The current study aims to build on existing research by making use of an emerging open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) fire simulation code known as FireFOAM, to predict fire behaviour in a mechanically ventilated nuclear compartment. An existing in-house modified version of FireFOAM developed by the authors’ research group, is further modified in the present work to include a Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) model to account for the heat transfer between combustion gases and solid boundaries. The CHT is validated using the experimental wall temperatures and heat fluxes. Furthermore, a mechanical ventilation model has been developed and implemented into FireFOAM. This newly modified version of FireFOAM is employed to predict the pressure variations in a nuclear compartment and the flow rates in the ventilation network. The predictions are compared to some experimental data from the open literature. Overall, it is shown that the mechanical ventilation model and the modified FireFOAM with CHT can predict the pressure variations and flow rates with a relatively good level of accuracy.

Item Type: Journal Article
Subjects: T Technology > TH Building construction
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Engineering > Engineering
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Fire, Nuclear power plants -- Fires and fire prevention, Fire extinction, Computational fluid dynamics, Fire risk assessment, Nuclear reactors -- Containment -- Fires and fire prevention
Journal or Publication Title: Nuclear Engineering and Design
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 0029-5493
Official Date: 1 December 2021
1 December 2021
21 October 2021
9 September 2021
Volume: 384
Article Number: 111515
DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111515
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Restricted or Subscription Access
Date of first compliant deposit: 25 October 2021
Date of first compliant Open Access: 21 October 2022

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