Disciplines and discourses: social interactions in the construction of knowledge

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The view that academic writing is persuasive is now widely accepted. Exactly how this is achieved, however, is more contentious, and raises a number of important issues, not least of which are those concerning the relationship between reality and accounts of it, the efficacy of logical induction, and the role of social communities in constructing knowledge. These topics have been debated for years in epistemology and the sociology of science, and in the past decade applied linguists have also entered the fray. Corpus linguists have been particularly active in emphasising the importance of rhetoric in academic persuasion, and, in this chapter, I bring my own small contribution to the discussion. In particular, I look at what differences in disciplinary discourses tell us about the ways academic knowledge is socially constructed, focusing on interpersonal features of language. I am interested in what this tells us about writers’ ideas of appropriate writer-reader relationships and how this, in turn, contributes to knowledge-making in the disciplines (Hyland & Bondi, 2006).

Item Type: Book Item
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: Faculty of Social Sciences > Centre for Applied Linguistics
Publisher: Parlor Press and the WAC Clearinghouse
Place of Publication: West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.
ISBN: 9781602352698
Book Title: Writing in Knowledge Societies
Editor: Starke-Meyerring, Doreen and Paré, Anthony and Artemeva, Natasha and Horne, Miriam and Yousoubova, Larissa
Official Date: 3 November 2011
3 November 2011
Number of Pages: 441
Page Range: pp. 193-214
Status: Not Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Restricted or Subscription Access
URI: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/48534/

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