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Human locomotion is a fundamental class of events, and manners of locomotion (e.g., how the limbs are used to achieve a change of location) are commonly encoded in language and gesture. To our knowledge, there is no openly accessible database containing normed human locomotion stimuli. Therefore, we introduce the GestuRe and ACtion Exemplar (GRACE) video database, which contains 676 videos of actors performing novel manners of human locomotion (i.e., moving from one location to another in an unusual manner) and 26 videos of a female actor producing iconic gestures that represent these actions. The usefulness of the database was demonstrated across four norming experiments. First, our database contains clear matches and mismatches between iconic gesture videos and action videos. Second, the male actors and female actors whose action videos matched the gestures in the best possible way, perform the same actions in very similar manners and different actions in highly distinct manners. Third, all the actions in the database are distinct from each other. Fourth, adult native English speakers were unable to describe the 26 different actions concisely, indicating that the actions are unusual. This normed stimuli set is useful for experimental psychologists working in the language, gesture, visual perception, categorization, memory, and other related domains.

Item Type: Digital Scholarly Resource
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Q Science > QP Physiology
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Science > Psychology
Type of Data: Video, Python code and norming data
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Human locomotion -- Video catalogs , Gait in humans -- Video catalogs , Gesture -- Video catalogs , Psychology, Experimental
Publisher: University of Warwick, Department of Psychology
Official Date: 3 March 2017
3 March 2017
10 August 2016
4 June 2016
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Media of Output (format): .csv, .mp4, .py, .txt
Access rights to Published version: Open Access (Creative Commons open licence)

This video database can be used as a stimulus set for experimental research in the language, gesture, visual perception, categorization, memory, and other related domains.

Date of first compliant deposit: 30 March 2017
Date of first compliant Open Access: 30 March 2017
Funder: University of Warwick
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