Dropout rates of massive open online courses : behavioural patterns

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Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have received wide publicity and many institutions have invested considerable effort in developing, promoting and delivering such courses. However, there are still many unresolved questions relating to MOOCs and their effectiveness. One of the major recurring issues raised in both academic literature and the popular press is the consistently high dropout rate of MOOC learners. Although many thousands of participants enrolled on these courses, the completion rate for most courses is below 13%. This paper investigates MOOC attrition from several different perspectives. Firstly, we review existing literature relating to MOOC dropout rates, bringing together existing findings on completion rates and analyses of specific courses which identify factors that correlate to likelihood of dropout. We provide a meta-analysis of the basic figures on overall dropout rates previously collected to identify relationships between course factors and dropout rates. In addition, the literature is reviewed from a qualitative perspective drawing together perspectives on reasons for dropout and methods suggested for resolving or reducing the dropout rate. Secondly, using themes emerging from the initial investigation, we provide a preliminary analysis of data gathered from a Computing MOOC run by the University of Warwick, UK and presented using a Moodle platform. Different aspects of students’ demographic data are examined to see if relationships to persistence exist. An important feature of this course is that it has been run in two different parallel modes (“traditional” MOOC mode with peer support, and “supported” mode with real time, tutored programming labs). This allows direct comparison between the dropout figures for the two different modes. Qualitative information from student evaluations is also considered. Finally, we discuss our findings relating MOOC dropout rates, considering what factors are within the control of a MOOC provider and suggesting the most promising avenues for improvement. Our results indicate that many participants who may be classed as dropouts (for example, because they do not complete the necessary components to gain a certificate) are still participating in the course in their own preferred way (either at a slower pace or with selective engagement). This suggests that the structure of “a course” may not be helpful to all participants and supporting different patterns of engagement and presentation of material may be beneficial.

Item Type: Conference Item (Paper)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
Divisions: Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine > Science > Computer Science
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): MOOCs (Web-based instruction)
Journal or Publication Title: EDULEARN14 Proceedings
Publisher: IATED Academy
ISBN: 9788461705573
ISSN: 2340-1117
Editor: Gómez Chova, L. and López Martínez, A. and Candel Torres, I.
Official Date: 2014
Page Range: pp. 5825-5834
Status: Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Date of first compliant deposit: 28 July 2016
Date of first compliant Open Access: 28 July 2016
Embodied As: 1
Conference Paper Type: Paper
Title of Event: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Type of Event: Conference
Location of Event: Barcelona, Spain
Date(s) of Event: 7-9 Jul 2014
Related URLs:
URI: https://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/65543/

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