The development of university-level distance education in the context of Hong Kong's transition from a British colony to a special administrative region of China

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China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong on I July, 1997. After being a British
colony for more than 150 years, Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region
of China following the "one country, two systems" policy. This dissertation is
concerned with the examination of the market changes in Hong Kong's university
distance education in the transition period.
Information about respondents' demographics, evaluation and intention to pursue
further study through distance education programmes was collected by sending
questionnaires to two types of subject: current students using distance education
programmes and potential adult students in Hong Kong. A total of five groups were
identified as representing the first type of subject: students of the Henley Management
College/Brunel University (UK) - MBA programme, the Curtin University of
Technology - Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Accounting programme
(Australia), and the Open University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Business
Administration and MBA programmes. The second type of subject comprised Hong
Kong adults who were interested in studying via distance education programmes. One
group of subjects were visitors to the Hong Kong Education Expo 1996, and they
were classified as potential students who wished to study in distance education
programmes in Hong Kong.
All the data were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Science software
programme. The research questions were tackled by the resultant data and analysis.
The important findings obtained from the subjects are:
a) The need for higher-degree-level programmes is very great among Hong Kong's
distance learners. The decision to undertake further study to distance Master
degree level after completing a distance Bachelor degree aptly demonstrates this
situation. Consideration should, therefore, be given to developing distance Master
degree programmes for students currently studying distance Bachelor degree
programmes, and distance Doctorate degree programmes for students currently
studying distance Master degree programmes. The majority of distance students,
particularly at the higher-degree-level, tend to be in the higher-income bracket.
b) Hong Kong adults who are interested in distance education programmes come
from different occupation segments. Their choice of further study varies according
to their needs and occupations. Consideration should be given to repositioning the
current distance education programmes, particularly at Bachelor's degree or
Diploma level. In addition, a segment comprising housewives has been identified
as potential students for Bachelor's degree programmes by this study.
In the further discussion about Hong Kong during the transition period, Fägerlind and
Saha's Dialectical Model is used to examine the development of Hong Kong's higher
education system with three important dimensions: political, economic and social
forces. Finally, this analysis provides three possible alternatives of development for
the integration of Hong Kong's and China's higher education systems in the post-transition
period: "One Country, One System", "One Country, Two Systems", and
"One Country, Many Systems".

Item Type: Thesis [via Doctoral College] (PhD)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH): Distance education -- Hong Kong (China), Education, Higher -- Hong Kong (China), Hong Kong (China) -- History -- Transfer of Sovereignty from Great Britain, 1997
Official Date: May 1998
May 1998
Institution: University of Warwick
Theses Department: Department of Continuing Education
Thesis Type: PhD
Publication Status: Unpublished
Supervisor(s)/Advisor: Duke, C. (Christopher) ; Hyland, Terry
Extent: xiv, 361 p.
Language: eng

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