Academic discourse: English in a global context

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Academic discourse is a rapidly growing area of study, attracting researchers and students from a diverse range of fields. This is partly due to the growing awareness that knowledge is socially constructed through language and partly because of the emerging dominance of English as the language of scholarship worldwide. Large numbers of students and researchers must now gain fluency in the conventions of English language academic discourses to understand their disciplines, establish their careers and to successfully navigate their learning.

This accessible and readable book shows the nature and importance of academic discourses in the modern world, offering a clear description of the conventions of spoken and written academic discourse and the ways these construct both knowledge and disciplinary communities. This unique genre-based introduction to academic discourse will be essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying TESOL, applied linguistics, and English for Academic Purposes.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: Faculty of Social Sciences > Centre for Applied Linguistics
Series Name: Bloomsbury Discourse
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group
Place of Publication: London, U.K.
ISBN: 9780826498045
Editor: Hyland, Ken
Official Date: 1 March 2009
1 March 2009
Number of Pages: 256
Status: Not Peer Reviewed
Publication Status: Published
Access rights to Published version: Restricted or Subscription Access

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